Tuesday, 2 September 2008

George P. Clancy, Jr.

George P. Clancy, Jr. - Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer of Chevy Chase Bank; President and COO of The Riggs National Corporation; President and CEO Signet Bank; Chairman o/t Catholic Charities Foundation; Chairman o/t Washington, D.C. Police Fund

George P. Clancy, Jr., age 61, is a very high up member of the Knights of Malta (SMOM) and is also Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer of Chevy Chase Bank, FSB, a position he has held since 1995. Mr. Clancy has an extensive career in banking which includes serving as President and Chief Operating Officer of The Riggs National Corporation (1985-1986) and President and Chief Executive Officer — Signet Bank, N.A. (1988-1995). Mr. Clancy is active in several community and civic organizations, including serving as Chairman of the Catholic Charities Foundation, Chairman of the Washington, D.C. Police Fund, Member of the Board of Trustees of the University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc. and the University of Maryland College Park Foundation. Mr. Clancy has been a director of Washington Gas Light Company and a director of WGL Holdings since December 2000.

Officers and Directors of the Federal Association

George P. Clancy, Jr.
Kensington, Maryland

http://www.smom.org/files/annual-report-2006.pdf (Proof Positive)

President Pat Clancy, congratulates two winners of
the 2005 President's Award: Dr. Frank Schmidt (left)
of New Orleans, and Dr. Gael Delany (center) of
Washington, DC.

Federal Association President G. Patrick
made presentations to several members
of the Federal Association for their outstanding
service and dedications to the work of the
Order. In September, the Order learned that
the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem would
receive a $3.5 million grant from the U.S.
government.These funds will be used to further
establish and expand the mobile clinic program
that allows doctors to travel about the West
Bank and visit pregnant women who would
have great difficulty traversing the region to get
the medical care they need. Rob Lively organized
and orchestrated the grant request made to
USAID. Letters were written to Senators and
Congressmen, and countless phone calls to
government agencies all over Washington. In
recognition for this tremendous work, Mr.
Lively was awarded the Cross of Commander
Pro Merito Militense.
Mr. Clancy also had the pleasure of
presenting the President’s Award to five very
dedicated Knights and Dames.The first two
were presented to Dr. Gael Delany, a dentist
from Chevy Chase,MD, for his work on a
medical mission to the Dominican Republic
and to Dr. Frank Schmidt, a surgeon from New
Orleans, LA, for spearheading a medical mission
to Nicaragua.

http://www.maltezerorde.nl/pdf/Nieuwsbrief%...le%20Afdeling%20USA.pdf (Proof Positive II)


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