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Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr. (born December 2, 1924) is a retired four-star general in the United States Army who served as the U.S. Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan and White House Chief of Staff under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.[1] In 1973 Haig served as Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, the number two ranking officer in the Army.[2] From 1974-79, Haig served as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), the ex officio commander of the all U.S. and NATO forces in Europe. Haig is a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam Wars and is a recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross, the Army's second highest medal for heroism, as well as the Silver Star with Oak Leaf Cluster and the Purple Heart.[3] Education Haig attended St. Joseph's Preparatory School in Philadelphia and graduated from Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. He then went to the University of Notre Dame for one year before transferring to and graduating from West Point in 1947. He studied business administration at Columbia Business School in 1954 and 1955. He also received a Masters degree in International Relations from Georgetown University in 1961 where his thesis focused on the role of the military officer in the making of national policy. [...] Current activities Haig was the host for several years of the television program World Business Review and now hosts 21st Century Business, each program a weekly business education forum that includes business solutions, expert interview, commentary and field reports.[citation needed] Haig is co-chairman of the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus, along with Zbigniew Brzezinski and Stephen J. Solarz. Haig is a member of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) Board of Advisors. Haig was a founding Board Member of America Online.[citation needed] On January 5, 2006, Haig participated in a meeting at the White House of former Secretaries of Defense and State to discuss United States foreign policy with Bush administration officials.[citation needed] On May 12, 2006, Haig participated in a second White House meeting with 10 former Secretaries of State and Defense. The meeting including briefings by Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice, and was followed by a discussion with President George W. Bush.[16] Haig published his memoirs, entitled Inner Circles: How America Changed The World, in 1992. Alexander Haig is the father of author Brian Haig.[citation needed] He is a Knight of Malta.[citation needed] |
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Alexander Haig gave them, the Israelis, those anti-tank missiles, and got them in their hands before the Egyptians got into Israel and disabled them. That was Alexander Haig, Knight of Malta, for which reason he was also the Supreme Allied Commander for NATO, promoted over 260 of his peers. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps |
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Honegger points to Alexander Haig, later to become the Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan, as having been made an "honorary" (non-Italian) member of P-2 prior to 1980. Honegger further states that Licio Gelli, finance wizard Michele Sindona, Alexander Haig, and CIA Director William Casey "were also reportedly members of the Vatican's military order, the Knights of Malta, whose initiates must take an oath of allegiance to the Pope." Furthermore, P-2 is linked to the Mafia, which also seems to have played a part in the October Surprise plot; writes Honegger: "A number of press reports, taken together, suggest that there may have been a P-2 and Gambino Mafia connection to the release of the fifty-two American hostages from the U.S. embassy in Tehran." |
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The Knight of Malta and former US Secretary of State and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO Alexander Haig, has spoken at Moonie events. |
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Alexander Haig -- A long-time protege of the Pentagon "Iron Mentor" Fritz Kraemer, [101] Haig extended favors and NATO links to the fascist cell in Italy known as P-2 or Propaganda Due, whose "puppetmaster," Licio Gelli, worked with Franco and Mussolini and shares dual citizenship in Italy and Argentina.[102] The involvement of high government officials in this secret order of Free-Masons scandalized and rocked the whole Italian government, and opened the ensuing scandal of Banco Ambrosiano and the Vatican Bank's missing billions.[103] Many of the key figures are either imprisoned (Licio Gelli and Michele Sindona, former head of the Vatican Bank) or dead (Roberto Calvi, known as "God's Banker," found hanging beneath Blackfriar's Bridge in London.) [104] Haig has just been knighted into the secretive Knights of Malta, which includes his brother, and prestigious members like William Colby (CIA), William F. Buckley (CIA), J. Peter Grace, John McCone (CIA), General Vernon Walters (Reagan's "roving ambassador"), James Angleton (CIA), and others.[105] |
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Haig, Alexander M. Jr. CFR, TC, BGC, SMOM, BWC • chairman, Worldwide Associates, Inc. • Secretary of State (1981-82) • former NATO commander |
SMOM member by mention:
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HAIG ALEXANDER M JR Cuba 1963 Vietnam 1966-1967 Chile 1970 South Africa 1977-1981 Libya 1981 China 1993-1997 * Anderson,J. Peace, War, and Politics. 1999 (411-2) * Andrew,J. Power to Destroy. 2002 (170) * Atlantic Monthly 1982-12 (54) * Beaty,J. Gwynne,S.C. The Outlaw Bank. 1993 (360) * Bellant,R. Old Nazis. 1989 (64-5) * Bernstein,R. Munro,R. The Coming Conflict With China. 1997 (115, 120-3) * Bill,J. The Eagle and the Lion. 1988 (260) * Blum,W. Killing Hope. 1995 (349) * Bonner,R. Waltzing With a Dictator. 1987 (295) * Bonner,R. Weakness and Deceit. 1984 (75-6) * Bradlee,B. A Good Life. 1995 (360, 364-5) * Branch,T. Propper,E. Labyrinth. 1983 (61-3, 605) * Brownstein,R. Easton,N. Reagan's Ruling Class. 1983 (539-46) * Cockburn,A. Silverstein,K. Washington Babylon. 1996 (145) * Cockburn,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison. 1991 (218, 322, 324, 328, 332) * Colby,G. Dennett,C. Thy Will Be Done. 1995 (790) * Colodny,L. Gettlin,R. Silent Coup. 1992 * Constantine,A. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. 1995 (36) * Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 2004 * CounterSpy 1981-04 (7) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1981-#13 (8, 10, 14) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1982-#17 (9-10) * Covert Action Quarterly 1993-#43 (38) * Covert Action Quarterly 1994-#49 (24) * Davis,J. Mafia Kingfish. 1989 (409) * Drosnin,M. Citizen Hughes. 1985 (313) * Dye,T. Who's Running America? 1983 (74, 76, 90, 98-9) * Fensterwald,B. Coincidence or Conspiracy? 1977 (531) * Fitzgerald,A.E. The Pentagonists. 1989 (23, 69, 75) * Fitzgerald,F. Way Out There in the Blue. 2000 (131, 147, 149-50, 167-75, 177-8) * Follett,K. On Wings of Eagles. 1984 (54) * Friedman,A. Spider's Web. 1993 (4-7, 26, 64-5, 281-2) * Galiullin,R. The CIA in Asia. 1988 (55) * Gibson,J. The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam. 1986 (407-9) * Gill,S. American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. 1991 (168, 193) * Groden,R. Livingstone,H. High Treason. 1990 (316-7) * Gurwin,L. The Calvi Affair. 1984 (190-1) * Harris,R. Paxman,J. A Higher Form of Killing. 1982 (254, 257-8) * Hartung,W. And Weapons for All. 1994 (85-6, 95-6, 101, 193) * Havill,A. Deep Truth. 1993 (54-6, 82-3, 114-5, 119, 156, 182-3, 186-7, 215-6, 219) * Herman,E. Brodhead,F. Rise and Fall of Bulgarian Connection. 1986 (94, 238) * Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. The Terrorism Industry. 1989 (181) * Hersh,S. The Dark Side of Camelot. 1997 (373) * Hersh,S. The Price of Power. 1983 (55-60, 89, 641) * Hertsgaard,M. On Bended Knee. 1988 (109, 112-5, 277) * Hinckle,W. Turner,W. The Fish is Red. 1981 (306, 342) * Hitchens,C. The Trial of Henry Kissinger. 2001 (36-7, 61) * Honegger,B. October Surprise. 1989 (27, 81, 123-4, 139, 159, 163, 179-80, 204, 227, 231-3) * Hougan,J. Secret Agenda. 1984 (286-90, 312) * In These Times 1982-09-08 * In These Times 1987-07-07 (13) * Jaworski,L. The Right and the Power. 1977 (2-8, 160, 260-2) * Jensen-Stevenson,M. Stevenson,W. Kiss the Boys Goodbye. 1990 (157) * Johnson,R.W. Shootdown. 1987 (106-8) * Kilian,M. Sawislak,A. Who Runs Washington? 1982 (72-3, 127-8) * Lernoux,P. In Banks We Trust. 1984 (217) * Lernoux,P. People of God. 1989 (201, 298) * Levins,H. Arab Reach. 1983 (24-6, 29-30, 188) * Livingstone,N. The Cult of Counterterrorism. 1990 (173, 229-30) * Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews. 1994 (315-8, 430-2) * Mackenzie,A. Secrets: The CIA's War at Home. 1997 (92) * Marrs,J. Crossfire. 1990 (273) * Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (59, 92, 94, 172, 211-2, 216) * Martin,L. Pledge of Allegiance. 1993 (39) * McCartney,L. Friends in High Places. 1988 (221) * McClintock,M. Instruments of Statecraft. 1992 (331-2, 435) * Miller,J. Engelberg,S. Broad,W. Germs. 2002 (78) * Morris,R. Partners in Power. 1996 (345-6) * Mother Jones 1983-07 (22) * Myerson,M. Watergate: Crime in the Suites. 1973 (132) * NACLA. Report on the Americas 1982-02 (11-2) * Nair,K. Devil and His Dart. 1986 (63, 69) * NameBase NewsLine 1995-01 (2) * Nation 1998-12-07 (28) * National Reporter 1986-W (57) * New York Magazine 1976-08-16 (35) * New York Times Magazine 1987-02-22 (22, 24) * New York Times 1991-12-08 (1, 16) * Parapolitics (Paris) 1982-07 (1) * Parapolitics (Paris) 1983-02 (3) * Parapolitics/USA 1982-03-31 (32) * Parapolitics/USA 1983-03-01 (34-5) * Parry,R. Fooling America. 1992 (83) * Parry,R. Trick or Treason. 1993 (163-9, 317) * Pell,E. The Big Chill. 1984 (90) * Penthouse 1981-06 (53-6) * Perloff,J. The Shadows of Power. 1988 (169) * Perry,M. Eclipse. 1992 (47, 379) * Perry,M. Four Stars. 1989 (219-20, 224, 294, 328) * Persico,J. Casey. 1991 (220, 229, 305-6) * Playboy 1988-10 (154) * Prados,J. Keepers of the Keys. 1991 (279-81, 339-40, 450-3) * Progressive 1997-05 (21) * Progressive 1998-10 (36) * Rampton,S. Stauber,J. Weapons of Mass Deception. 2003 (57) * Ramsay,R. Conspiracy Theories. 2000 (71) * Raviv,D. Melman,Y. Friends in Deed. 1994 (197-8, 202-3, 214, 216-20) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1991-SMOM (1) * Sale,K. Power Shift. 1976 (293, 299) * Scheim,D. Contract on America. 1988 (324) * Scott,P.D. Deep Politics. 1993 (305-6) * Seagrave,S.& P. Gold Warriors. 2003 (137-9) * Sergeyev,F. Chile: CIA Big Business. 1981 (109) * Shawcross,W. Sideshow. 1979 (15, 100-1, 162-3) * Sick,G. October Surprise. 1991 (27, 197-201) * Silverstein,K. Washington on $10 Million a Day. 1998 (182) * Sklar,H. Washington's War on Nicaragua. 1988 (65, 69-73, 95, 103, 240) * Smith,H. The Power Game. 1989 (304-7, 347-8) * Spotlight Newspaper 1997-04-14 (10-1) * Sullivan,W. The Bureau. 1982 (219-20) * Summers,A. The Arrogance of Power. 2000 (103, 343, 391, 460-2, 473-5, 481-2) * Syrokomsky,V. International Terrorism and the CIA. 1983 (8 ) * Taheri,A. Nest of Spies. 1988 (145, 159) * Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (365-9, 374) * Tosches,N. Power on Earth. 1986 (242) * Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (217) * Unger,C. House of Bush, House of Saud. 2004 (63) * Vankin,J. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes. 1991 (175, 256) * Vankin,J. Whalen,J. The 60 Greatest Conspiracies. 1998 (154-5) * Vistica,G. Fall From Glory. 1997 (150) * Washington Post 1984-05-18 (A2) * Washington Post 1984-12-27 (A25) * Washington Post 1986-02-21 (C20) * Washington Post 1987-08-30 (A12) * Washington Times 1990-04-19 (A12) * Washington Times 1991-05-21 (A1, 9) * Washington Times 1992-05-29 (F4) * Weinberg,S. Armand Hammer: The Untold Story. 1989 (261) * Wise,D. The American Police State. 1978 (33, 41-4, 47-9, 93) * Woodward,B. Veil. 1987 (18, 92-3, 116-7, 172-3) * Yakovlev,N. Washington Silhouettes. 1985 (280) * Yallop,D. Tracking the Jackal. 1993 (563-4) pages cited this search: 387 |
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