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![]() Jacques Jonet (to the left in the photo) died one week ago, 8 of April, the Sunday of Passover of the Resurrection. [...] Jacques was there many years PDG of the Éditons du Lombard, of Brussels a reference of the cartoon. But it was and was in that condition and action that I knew him as a combatant and militant of the conservative, catholic values - or better traditionalist - anti-communist, etc., etc. We did join some "wars" of the Cold War (we were friends of an important one "routier" of that period, Brian Crozier) and still we tried to find other synergies, by example "African". Jacques was coherent, courageous, religious, with a big sense of humor and friendship. His codes of life had very much to do with the rules of the Knighthood; be faithful to God, fight the good battle, defend the weak, put in the place the haughty and other kinds of wrongdoers. Although they are not very popular customs nowadays, he was not disturbed by this. And so am I. God receives and revives in the day of the Last one Páscoa.P.N.A.M. |
http://ofuturopresente.blogspot.com/2007_04_01_archive.html (translated from Portuguese with http://ets.freetranslation.com/ and subsequently polished up by yours truly)
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Died Jacques Jonet, the President of Média-Participations 10 avril 2007 The necrology of the Free Belgium informs us that the Baron Jacques Jonet, the President of the Belgian French holding company Media Participations, deceased April 7 2007. This lawyer to the bar of Brussels was also representing on the order of Malta with Belgium. As president of the holding company owner of the editions Dupuis, it had participated in the negotiations aiming at the conflict resolution that shook the corporation carolorégienne in the last spring. |
http://www.universbd.com/spip.php?breve1974 (translated from French with http://ets.freetranslation.com/ and subsequently polished up by yours truly)
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In 1959, Otto received the Knight Grand-Cross of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta with the Cross of Honorary Professed Member. One of Otto's political secretaries, Jacques G. Jonet, is named as a co-founder of low-profile ultraconservative/fascist European-integration groups as Ordre du Rouvre, the Institut Européen pour la Paix et la Sécurité (IEPS), the Société Internationale de Wilton Park (Wilton Park conferences), and Cercle des Nations. [...] Jonet has been named as a member of Mouvement d'Action pour l'Union de l'Europe (MAUE), the Habsburg-founded Centre of Documentation and Information (CEDI), and CEPIC (of the Opusian Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants, both named as child abusers in the Dutroux X-Files by a combination of X1, X2, and X3). Jonet is suspected of membership in Opus Dei and is the representative of the Belgian Order of Malta, while his wife is a member of the administrative council (anno 2006). |
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![]() The Habsburg network in this table is a reference to this person's central role in setting up and running what this author has been labeling the "Vatican-Paneuropa network". Besides the national branches of Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta, in Belgium this network consisted of such organizations as Mouvement d'Action pour l'Union de l'Europe (MAUE), l'Institut Europeen de Developpement, Académie Europeene des Sciences Politiques, Ordre du Rouvre, the Ligue Internationale de la Liberte (WACL) and Cercle des Nations. All these organizations had overlapping membership and were connected to other, equally reactionary organizations all over Catholic Europe. One of the most important branches in this extremely anti-communist network is the privatized, intelligence-oriented, discussion group Le Cercle, which for over 50 years has brought together questionable individuals connected to European and US intelligence agencies (including CIA heads Casey and Colby, respectively belonging to the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei). It was set up by French prime minister Antoine Pinay and the fascist intelligence agent Jean Violet in the 1950s. Otto von Habsburg acted as a sponsor of Violet. (259) Interestingly, Violet is known to have been a member of Cercle des Nations, meeting here with such men as Baron de Bonvoisin, Paul Vanden Boeynants, Paul Vankerkhoven, de Merode family, lawyer Jacques Jonet and other anti-communist radicals (260). It's probably no surprise to learn then that most, if not all, of these men, including Violet, belonged to Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta (261). It's also known that Violet, Vankerkhoven and Jonet worked closely with Otto von Habsburg (262). Opus Dei has come up more than once in Belgium conspiracy history. BOB officers Gerard Bihay and Guy Dussart informed congressional investigators during a closed session that they had been provided information by two nobles belonging to Opus Dei. These two informed the officers that at least 9 members of Opus Dei were involved in a plan to subvert the Belgian state. Several meetings between the conspirators, which included gendarmerie general Fernand Beaurir (accused of incest and pedophilia) and Paul Vanden Boeynants, would have taken place at Castle Dongelberg, an Opus Dei retreat (263). Interestingly, in 1996, both X2 (264) and Nathalie W. (265) mentioned Dongelberg in their testimonies, referring to it as a location where children had been abused by members of the network. X4 has testified that members of Opus Dei had been among her most sadistic clients (266). [...] [224] *) 1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co. - 20 jaar destabilizering in België' ('The Gang & Co. - 20 years of destabilization in Belgium'), p. 177-179: "Several authors already pointed out that there exists an interesting similarity between the ideas and persons of such organizations as the CEPIC, the Ordre du Rouvre, the WACL and the Order of Malta [not to mention Opus Dei]. In the early 1970s the leading figures of these organizations regularly met each other at the headquarters of the in 1969 founded Cercle des Nations... Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jo Gerard, Paul Vankerkhoven, Vincent vanden Bossche and Jacques Jonet interact there with a wide array of individuals like prince Francois de Merode, the French lawyer Jean Violet [founder and head of Cercle Pinay], Richard van Wijck, Benoit de Bonvoisin and numerous others. Founded in 1969 by Paul Vankerkhoven, the Cercle des Nations soon became the rotating platter where rightist nobility figures and similar businessmen and politicians could ventilate their anti-democratic and neo-Nazi sympathies without having to hold back. Thus the Cercle organized in April 1970 a reception in honor of the colonel's regime in Greece, a celebration which caused serious incidents between progressive students of the ULB [a university across the street] and participants of the reception. The same scenario could be seen in January 1976 when the Cercle found it necessary -at the initiative of Paul Vankerkhoven- to celebrate the tenth birthday of the dictatorship of Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti. The magazine L'Eventail, owned by Baron Adelin van Yperseel de Strihou, later taken over by Richard van Wijck, acted as the official publication of the Cercle des Nations. In the 1970s the editorial office indulged itself in lyrical reports about the Greek colonels, the apartheid in South-Africa and the white-minority government in Rhodesia. Paul Vankerkhoven even published in L'Eventail an exclusive interview with his idol Pinochet. While in the 1970s in both Flanders and Walloon a coup is being worked on by ex-colonialists, soldiers, gendarmes and leaders of the extreme right to establish an authoritarian state, the aristocracy of the Cercle openly symphatizes with the dictatorships of Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal and Pinochet in Chili. Also the Belgian department of the WACL, which -then more than now- followed a virulent extreme-right course, came to full fruition in the salons of the Cercle under the leadership of Paul Vankerkhoven and baron Adelin van Yperseel de Strihou. The political climate in the Cercle and the WACL is then virtually identical. While the Cercle organizes receptions for the most depraved dictatorships, the WACL directors takes up dictators as Somoza, Stroessner and Pinochet in her ranks and opens the doors for Nazi organizations and even for the Argentinian death squads of Lopez Rega. The interesting connection between the CEPIC, the Cercle des Nations and the WACL has a simple reason: the three organizations are led by the same figures of which most also are members of or maintain good relations with the Ordre du Rouvre and the Order of Malta." |

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