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George John Tenet (born January 5, 1953) was previously the Director of Central Intelligence for the United States Central Intelligence Agency and is Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy at Georgetown University. Tenet held the position as the DCI from July 1997 to July 2004, making him the second-longest serving director in the agency's history — behind Allen Welsh Dulles — as well as one of the few DCIs to serve under two U.S. presidents of opposing political parties. [...] CIA career Tenet was appointed Deputy Director of Central Intelligence in July 1995. After John Deutch's abrupt resignation in December 1996, Tenet served as acting director until he was officially appointed the position on July 11, 1997, after a unanimous confirmation vote in the Senate. This was followed by the withdrawal of Anthony Lake, whose nomination had been blocked by Republicans in Congress. While the Director of Central Intelligence has typically been replaced by an incoming administration ever since Jimmy Carter replaced DCI George H. W. Bush, Tenet served through the end of the Clinton administration and well into the term of George W. Bush. Tenet embarked on a mission to regenerate the CIA, which had fallen on hard times since the end of the Cold War. The number of agents recruited each year had fallen to an all-time low, a 25-percent decline from the Cold War peak. Tenet appealed to the original mission of the agency, which had been to "prevent another Pearl Harbor". The trick was to see where danger might come from in the post-Cold War world. Tenet focused on potential problems such as "the transformation of Russia and China", "rogue states" like North Korea, Iran and Iraq, and terrorism.[9] [...] Tenet and Iraq WMD controversy According to a report by veteran investigative journalist Bob Woodward in his book Plan of Attack, Tenet privately lent his personal authority to the intelligence reports about weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Iraq. At a meeting on December 12, 2002, he assured Bush that the evidence against Saddam Hussein amounted to a "slam dunk case." After several months of refusing to confirm this statement, Tenet later stated that this remark was taken out of context. (Tenet indicated that the comment was made pursuant to a discussion about how to convince the American people to support invading Iraq, and that, in his opinion, the best way to convince the people would be by explaining the dangers posed by Iraq's WMD i.e., the public relations sale of the war via the WMD, according to Tenet, would be a "slam dunk").[18] The search following the 2003 invasion of Iraq by U.S., British and international forces yielded no stockpiles of WMDs, however. Resignation Citing "personal reasons," Tenet submitted his resignation to President Bush on June 3, 2004. James Pavitt, his Deputy Director for Operations at the CIA, announced his resignation the following day, leading to speculation that the exit of both senior intelligence officials was related to the controversy over alleged Iraqi WMDs and the decision to go to war. Admiral Stansfield Turner, director of the CIA under President Jimmy Carter, said, "I think the president feels he's in enough trouble that he's got to begin to cast some of the blame for the morass that we are in Iraq on to somebody else and this was one subtle way to do it." (Boston Herald, June 4, 2004) However, Bush voiced support for Tenet's efforts, stating, "George Tenet did a superb job for America. It was a high honor to work with him, and I'm sorry he left." (Reuters, June 5, 2004) |

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In fact, membership of the Knights of Malta (known as “SMOM” an abbreviation of its full title of The Sovereign Military and Hospitaler Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes) and American intelligence pre-date the CIA. William (Bill) Donovan, the head of the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS) – the precursor to the CIA - was associated with SMOM. As was James Jesus Angleton, the CIA’s hard-core counter intelligence expert until he was fired by President John Kennedy. Another DCI who was a knight was Bill Casey who was chief of the CIA during the Reagan Administration. Earlier, Bill Colby, who headed the spy agency during the Vietnam War era was approached to become a member but declined. Other senior CIA knights included William Buckley and John McCone. On the US military side General Alexander Haig was appointed a knight of SMOM. This almost unbroken but subterranean connection between the two is reported to extend to the current DCI, George Tenet, according to a former CIA source. |

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With these corrections kept in mind, knowing that the current cover-up leads to the Archbishop of New York City---now Edward Cardinal Egan---, we have more details as to "Who" was involved in the murder of a President who was first an American and secondly a Roman Catholic who refused to enforce the Pope's Temporal Power. That "Who" extends to Watergate and Iran Contra. That "Who" includes Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr., Knight of Malta William J. Casey, Knight of Malta Alexander Haig, Jr., Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, Knight of Malta Oliver North, and now with the WTC demolition, Knight of Malta George J. Tenet. All of these traitors were or are today under the control of Fordham and Georgetown University Jesuits ruling the Pope's "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment American Empire (1868-Present). |
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"Honorary Shriner and Knight of Malta former President Ronald Reagan's administration was the most Roman Catholic but I think the Bush administration now holds that record. Former CIA director Knight of Malta George J. Tenet, Jesuit-trained at the Walsh School of Foreign Service was rewarded for his bold act of high treason with a professorship at his alma mater. Former CIA director Skull and Bonesman, Porter Goss, will be rewarded for his secretive actions. I wouldn't surprised if Georgetown or Fordham soon gives him a professorship. |
SMOM by mention:
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TENET GEORGE J Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Periscope 1989-SU (7) Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1995-F (13-4, 25) Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1995-W (16-7) Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1997-SU (4, 7) Bamford,J. Body of Secrets. 2001 (476-7, 496) Borjesson,K. Into the Buzzsaw. 2002 (316-7) CIA. Hitz Report on Contras and Cocaine. Volume II. 1998-04-27 (417, 1140) CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Website Index. 2006 (25, 82, 86) Coll,S. Ghost Wars. 2004 (353-62, 451-4) Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 2004 Covert Action Quarterly 2001-#70 (37-8) Covert Action Quarterly 2002-#73 (13-5, 17) George Magazine 1997-10 (63) Intelligence (Paris) 1997-03-24 (9) Intelligence (Paris) 1997-08-25 (22) Intelligence (Paris) 1998-11-16 (8) Intelligence (Paris) 1999-03-22 (12) Intelligence (Paris) 2000-05-01 (18) Intelligence Newsletter (Paris) 1992-12-03 (4) Levy,S. Crypto. 2001 (246) Miller,J. Engelberg,S. Broad,W. Germs. 2002 (287-9) Nation 1997-05-19 (23-6) New York Times 1995-05-16 (A7) New York Times 2001-01-20 (A16) New York Times 2002-09-28 (A10) New York Times 2004-02-21 (A7) New York Times 2004-04-15 (A1, 20-1) New York Times 2005-01-07 (A1, 16) New York Times 2005-04-01 (A11) New York Times 2005-04-08 (A6) New York Times 2005-08-26 (A12) New Yorker Magazine 1999-04-05 (36) New Yorker Magazine 2003-10-27 (80, 84) Parade Magazine 1995-11-19 (5) Rampton,S. Stauber,J. The Best War Ever. 2006 (50-1, 94, 97, 115, 139) Richelson,J. The Wizards of Langley. 2001 (282-3) San Antonio Express-News 1998-06-25 (10B) San Antonio Express-News 1998-11-11 (1A, 20) San Antonio Express-News 2000-02-01 (1A, 4) Wall Street Journal 2002-10-04 (A8) Washington Post 1993-01-25 (A15) Washington Post 1995-05-12 (A23) Washington Post 1999-10-14 (C1, 7) Washington Post 2000-02-11 (A39) Washington Post 2000-02-18 (A21) Washington Post 2000-10-24 (A25) Washington Times 1993-11-10 (A9) Washington Times 1995-05-15 (A2) Washington Times 1995-05-16 (A4) Washington Times 1995-08-29 (A5) Washington Times 1997-03-20 (A1, 9) Washington Times 1997-03-21 (A6) Washington Times 1997-05-01 (A3) Webb,G. Dark Alliance. 1998 (467-8) pages cited this search: 101 |
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