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Roger Pearson (born 1927) is a British anthropologist, advocate of eugenics, and editor of several scholarly journals published by the Institute for the Study of Man. Life and work Originally from Great Britain, Pearson has also served as (colonial) officer in the British army to India, then directed various British-controlled companies there. He studied at the University of London, where he gained a Master's degree in Economics and Sociology, and a Ph.D. in Anthropology.[1] In 1958 Pearson founded the Northern League "to foster the interests, friendship and solidarity of all Teutonic nations." He recruited Hans F. K. Günther, who received awards under the National Socialist regime for his work on race, Ernest Cox of the Ku Klux Klan, and Dr. Wilhelm Kesserow, a former SS officer.[2] He joined the Eugenics Society in 1963 and became a fellow in 1977. Pearson was brought to the United States in 1965 by Willis Carto of the Liberty Lobby, and contributed to some of Carto's publications, such as Western Destiny and at Noontide Press. At the end of the 1960s, he parted with Carto, and successively taught at Queens University of Charlotte, The University of Southern Mississippi and Montana Tech. During his tenure as dean at Montana Tech, Pearson received $60,000 from the Pioneer Fund.[1][3] In 1975, he left academics and moved to Washington, D.C., where he founded the Council on American Affairs. He also joined the editorial board of Policy Review, the monthly Heritage Foundation publication in 1977, but was forced to resign in 1978, after the Washington Post exposed Pearson's background following the 11th Conference of the World Anti-Communist League — which he chaired.[1][4] In 1981 Pearson received the library of Donald A. Swan through a grant from the Pioneer Fund.[5] Pearson also held the directorship of the Institute for the Study of Man, a group which was alleged by Searchlight magazine to have received $869,500 between 1981 and 1996 from the Pioneer Fund [6] and which under Pearson acquired the peer-reviewed journal Mankind Quarterly in 1978.[1] Pearson simultaneously took over as editor and has remained editor through to the present day, though his name has never appeared on the masthead. [2] Pearson has used diverse pseudonyms to contribute to the journal including, J.W. Jamieson. Auschwitz doctor Josef Mengele's advisor, Otmar von Verschuer, was on the editorial advisory board of this journal before his death in 1970.[2] The institute also prints the Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies and the Journal of Indo-European Studies and has the Scott-Townsend book imprint. In the editing of the Journal of Indo-European Studies he is assisted by JP Mallory. Publications * Essays on Eugenics and Race. 1958, Northern World, Coventry * Mankind Quarterly 1960 * The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans. 1966, 1967 Hans Gunther, trans. by Vivian Bird (See Oliver Bird Trust and George Cadbury) in collaboration with Roger Pearson. * Introduction to Anthropology. Harcourt College Pub, 1974. * Anthropological Glossary. Krieger Pub Co, 1985. * Race, Intelligence and Bias in Academe. Scott-Townsend Publishers, 1997 (2nd edition). * Heredity and Humanity: Race, Eugenics and Modern Science. Scott-Townsend Publishers, 1996. |
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The Grand Cross of Merit of the Knights of Malta has gone to Robert Gayre, editor of the racist magazine Mankind Quarterly, and Roger Pearson, president of the World Anti-Communist League and board member of the French neo-Nazi journal Nouvelle Ecole. |
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KNIGHTS OF DARKNESS THE SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA [...] [Picture caption] - Roger Pearson. [...] THE CHECKERED CAREERS OF JAMES ANGLETON AND ROGER PEARSON Both James Jesus Angleton and George Raymond Rocca were forced into retirement in December 1974 following Seymour Hersh's revelations that Angleton's Division had been involved in illegal domestic operations, known as "the family jewels."1 By the Winter of 1977-78 Angleton became one of two Associate Editors of the Journal of International Relations under General Editor Roger Pearson. The other Associate Editor was Gen. Robert C. Richardson III; the Publisher was John Fisher, President of the American Security Council. Pearson is perhaps the most important neo-Nazi contact and racist propagandist in the U.S. today and had been a former Editor of Willis Carto's Western Destiny. According to Replica of January 1978, when the Executive Committee of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) met December 10 and 11, 1977 to plan for their upcoming conference in Washington D. C., ''The main speaker was ..... General Robert C. Richardson III who delivered a brilliant speech on the theme of USA-USSR nuclear balance ...... [and] ......... Dr. Roger Pearson [President of North American Regional WACL and later President and host of WACL in 1978] also made a brilliant exposition." Replica is the journal of the Latin American Anti-Communist Confederation (CAL) which Jack Anderson revealed to be a CIA created anti-Semitic controller of neo-Nazi death squads.2 Pearson was removed as head of the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League after its 1978 conference in Washington, D.C. because his ties to the neo-Nazi international were too extreme even for WACL which then included death squads, former Nazis, and Nazi collaborators.3 In the July 1978 issue of the racist Mankind Quarterly, the Editor-in-Chief, and Pearson's mentor, Robert Gayre, announced that Pearson would take over publication of the magazine. Robert Gayre had received the Grand Cross of Merit from SMOM in 1963, having already been editor of the Mankind Quarterly for three years. In June 1979 Pearson was listed as a member of the 'Comite de Patronage' (the Advisory Board) of the French neo-Nazi journal Nouvelle Ecole. Today Pearson continues to publish in Washington, D.C. several journals including Mankind Quarterly; The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies; and The Journal of Indo-European Studies; he remains on the Board of Trustees of the American Foreign Policy Institute.4 |
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Also, SMOM members Roger Pearson and James Jesus Angleton have edited the rightwing Journal of International Relations . (Pearson, former Editor of the racist journals Western Destiny and Mankind Quarterly , currently sits on the board of trustees for the American Foreign Policy Institute. In 1977, he was removed as head of the U.S. branch of the World Anti-Communist League, a Reverend Moon-financed organization, because he was "too extreme!" Angleton had worked with Luigi Gedda of Catholic Action to fight communism through the Civic Committees and rig the 1948 Italian elections.) |
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PEARSON ROGER * Anderson,S.& J. Inside the League. 1986 (92-103, 282) * Bellant,R. Old Nazis. 1989 (44, 47, 51-4) * Bellant,R. The Coors Connection. 1990 (14-5, 38, 48) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1986-#25 (32) * Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). Extra! 1996-08 (11) * Furgurson,E. Hard Right: The Rise of Jesse Helms. 1986 (188) * Guardian (New York) 1985-05-01 (3) * Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. The Terrorism Industry. 1989 (78, 101) * Lee,M. The Beast Reawakens. 1997 (362, 491) * Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (62) * Parapolitics/USA 1981-05-30 (45-6) * Public Eye Magazine 1979 (5, 26) * Public Eye Magazine 1984-SU (4-5) * Sklar,H. Washington's War on Nicaragua. 1988 (79) * Village Voice 1985-05-07 (20, 22) * Village Voice 1985-05-14 (20) * Wilcox,D.A... The Right Guide. 1993 (76) pages cited this search: 43 |
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