Sporting the Knight of Malta Insignia in front of Pope Pius XII in the year 1944 (Proof Positive)
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Baron Luigi Parrilli, an Italian aristocrat who was a Knight of Malta, papal chamberlain, and fascist sympathizer, took part in the negotiations between SS leaders and the CIA's future director, Allen Dulles. Meanwhile, James Jesus Angleton, who would later become the CIA's Controversial director of counterintelligence, was dispatched by Admiral .............." |
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How to Fight Communists In 6,000 Italian towns and villages last week workers attended "feasts of liberty." Fireworks and oratory popped triumphantly. Two thousand anti-Communist soapboxers, doorbell ringers and pamphlet carriers crowded into Rome's shiny, modern Cinema Metropolitan, hoarsely chanting the name of Luigi Gedda. Finally, a brawny, firm-jawed man rose from his seat in the first row and brusquely acknowledged the cheers. He was the chief strategist of Italy's Catholic Action movement; he had just led his followers to a notable victory. Plan S. Last winter, Luigi Gedda called on Catholic Action's comitati civici (citizens' committees) for a major effort. He named it Plan S (for syndicalism). He wanted to build up the Free Federation of Italian Labor, to rival the Red-run Italian Confederation of Labor (C.G.I.L.) through which the Communists have kept an iron grip on four million of Italy's workers. Gedda's goal was to enlist two million members for the Free Federation. Last week's reports from half of Gedda's provincial headquarters showed more than a million enrolled. When all the returns are in, Gedda is confident that the two million goal will be exceeded. His fingertips casually joined, his eyes on the ceiling, Gedda last week sat behind his cluttered mahogany desk and reviewed the campaign. "It went as we planned," he said calmly. "There was a lot of hard work . . ." |
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According to previously classified State Department memoranda, Angleton rec-ommended that the CIA fund Catholic Action, an Italian lay organization headed by Luigi Gedda, a prominent right-wing ideo-logue who had also been honored by the knights. Gedda was a key operative in an effort undertaken by the CIA and the Vatican to "barricade the Reds" in the 1948 Italian elections. |
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According to declassified documents from the American Department of State, in February 1948, in anticipation of the upcoming elections scheduled for April 18, the Vatican created organizations called 'Civic Committees' under the leadership of Luigi Gedda, a 45-year-old doctor from Turin who was also the leader of the rightist 'Catholic Action'. By March 17, 1948 Gedda became a Knight of the Grand Priory of Lombardy and Venice. The liaison to Gedda was through an Ecclesiastical Assistant, Mgr. Fiorenzo Angelini, a member of the National Executive of the Civic Committees, who had become a ranking member of the Rome Priory of SMOM also on March 17, 1948.11 At that time the Grand Priory was headed by Ferdinando Thun Hohenstein, Director of Ceremonies of SMOM, a member of the all powerful five-member Sovereign Council of the Order, and nephew of a former SMOM Grand Master. Page 32 On March 22, 1948 the New York Times reported that Gedda had appealed to American Catholics to provide financial assistance to Italian Catholics in their fight against communism. On April 5, it was reported that "Myron C. Taylor arrived from Madrid for what Catholic circles described as an 'important mission' closely related to the Italian general elections." By April 13 the paper reported that Taylor would meet with Pius once a week, and that based on the information recently received, the Pope was "considerably more optimistic'' about the outcome of the elections. Page 33 Two days later with the Italian military staging massive parades and as fascist gangs attacked leftists in the streets, C. L. Sulzberger reported from Rome that Catholic Action "is armed, active, and tough." The State Department documents cite Angleton as "feel[ing] quite strongly that Gedda can be effectively used to further our interests in Italy in the political, labor and social fields," and that the Civic Committees were to receive CIA funds. The Pope had allegedly met with Gedda three times during the month after the elections. One of those reported to have loeen involved in interference in the April 18 election was Baron Luigi Parrilli. Parrilli, son of an Italian admiral, and who had reportedly worked for the American firm Kelvinator before the war, was a fascist and had extensive industrial interests in Italy. He was made a Knight of Malta on December 7, 1942 and by early 1945 had excellent contacts with the top Schutzstaffel (SS: elite guard) and Sicherheitsdienst (SD: secret service) German officers in Northem Italy. By April 1945 he became a representative of SS General Karl Wolff to Allen Dulles and U.S. Gen. Lemnitzer during the period that the latter two were involved in private negotiations to recruit top Nazis before the end of the war. It has been rumored that Parrilli also had "concocted a plan to transport ex-Nazis from Germany to Paraguay."12 (See article by Peter Dale Scott in this issue.) [...] 11. Declassified documents of May 17, 1948 and October 11, 1948. Gedda was listed as a member of the "Comite de Patronage" of the French neo-Nazi 'Nouvelle Ecole' in April 1982 along with Robert Gayre. Gedda also served on the Advisory board of Gayre and Pearson's Mankind Quarterly from at least the mid 1960s until 1979. |
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ITALIAN ASKS HELP OF U.S. CATHOLICS; Religious Leader Says Funds Are Needed to Counteract Communist Propaganda Special to THE NEW YORK TIMES. March 22, 1948, Monday Page 4, 684 words ROME, March 21 -- Luigi Gedda, a Catholic leader and head of the "Civil Committees," a nation-wide organization composed of many nonpolitical Catholic bodies, appealed to American Catholics today to help Italian Catholics in their fight against communism. |
Social Network Diagram:

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GEDDA LUIGI Italy 1948 * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1986-#25 (31, 33) * Dorril,S. MI6. 2000 (438) * Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992 (293) * Lernoux,P. People of God. 1989 (289) * Lobster Magazine (Britain) 1990-#19 (6) * Mother Jones 1983-07 (23) * National Reporter 1986-W (57, 59) * Parapolitics/USA 1981-05-30 (47, 51) * Parapolitics/USA 1982-03-31 (32, 36) * Willan,P. Puppetmasters. 1991 (33) pages cited this search: 14 |
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