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Prince Cyril Toumanoff (1913 – 1997) was a Russian-born historian and genealogist of Georgian origin who mostly specialized in the history of medieval Armenia, Georgia and Iran. He was born in Saint Petersburg of a Georgian father of the Armeno-Georgian Tumanishvili noble family[1], which had removed from Armenia to Georgia in the 15th century, and Russian mother, fleeing the Russian Revolution with his mother in 1918 and first residing in Paris. He emigrated to the United States in 1928. He earned a doctorate from Georgetown University in 1943 and accepted a position there, holding it until his retirement, as a professor emeritus of history, in 1970. A recognized authority on nobiliary and dynastic questions, Prince Toumanoff was also High Historical Consultant, and a professed knight, of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. |
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Most historians consider the seventy-second Grand Master de facto to have been the Emperor Paul I of Russia, elected (though illegally) by a group of knights in 1799 while Ferdinand von Hompesch was still regnant Grand Master. This reckoning would make Giovanni Battista Tommasi, nominated in 1803, the seventy-third Grand Master. The events surrounding the election of Tsar Paul I are described in Cyril Toumanoff's L'Ordre de Malte et l'Empire de Russie and The Order of Malta Yesterday and Today. Following the brief grand magistracy of Giovanni Battista Tommasi, the subsequent administrative heads of the Order were Lieutenant Masters ("regents") until the Papal nomination as Grand Master of one of them, Giovanni Battista Ceschi a Santa Croce, in 1878. During the final years of Grand Master von Thun und Hohenstein, 1929-31, there was a Lieutenant Grand Master but the office of Grand Master was not vacant. Another lieutenancy followed from 1951 until 1962, when Angelo de Mojana di Cologna was elected Grand Master. |
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Box: 2 Fold: 35 William Wakefield Cardinal Baum 1982-1986 DESCRIPTION: Contains 1 TLS, 2 TCS from Cardinal Baum to WAW. Topics include: @ Invitation of US Secretary of State Alexander Haig to join a false Order of Malta. Includes TLS from Cyril Toumanoff, Sovereign Council, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, complaining about the false order. |
http://library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f148%7D3.htm (Proof Positive)
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De relatie van de Orde van Malta met het Russische Keizerrijk De relatie van de Orde van Malta met het Russische Keizerrijk werd beschreven door de rechtsridders Olgerd von Sherbowitz - Wetzor en Prins Cyril Toumanoff in de "Annales" van de Orde 1967, deel I, II, III en IV. Hieronder volgt een vertaling hiervan. De auteurs hebben voor hun studie toegang gehad tot de "Russische" archieven van het Grootmagistraat van de Orde te Rome, die niet eerder voor de geschiedschrijving waren gebruikt. De periode waarin de Orde van Malta nauw verbonden was met het Tsarenrijk loopt van 1797 - 1810. ( The relationship of the Order of Malta with the Russian Empire The relation between the Order of Malta with the Russian Empire was described by the Knights of Justice Olgerd von Sherbowitz - Wetzor and Prince Cyril Toumanoff in the 'Annals' of the Order 1967, part I, II, III and IV. Below follows a translation thereof. For their study, the authors were granted access to the Russian Archives of the Grand Magistrate of the Order in Rome which never before were used for the purpose of writing history. The period in which the Order of Malta was deeply connected with the Empire of the Tsars ran from 1797 - 1810.) |
http://www.maltezerorde.nl/gesch_relrus.htmd (Proof Positive II)
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TOUMANOFF CYRIL Italy 1981 * Parapolitics/USA 1982-03-31 (33) pages cited this search: 1 |
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