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William Edward Simon (November 27, 1927 – June 3, 2000) was a businessman, a Secretary of Treasury of the U.S. for three years, and a philanthropist. He became the 63rd Secretary of the Treasury on May 8, 1974, during the Nixon administration. He was reappointed by President Ford and served until 1977. Outside of government, he was a successful businesman and philanthropist. The William E. Simon Foundation carries on this legacy. He was a strong advocate of laissez-faire capitalism. He wrote, "There is only one social system that reflects the sovereignty of the individual: the free-market, or capitalist, system."[1] In August, he was asked to continue to serve in this position by President Ford, who shortly afterward appointed him Chairman of the Economic Policy Board and chief spokesman for the Administration on economic issues. On April 8, 1975, President Ford also named him Chairman of the newly created East-West Foreign Trade Board, established under the authority of the Trade Act of 1974. At the time of his nomination as Treasury Secretary, Mr. Simon was serving as Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, a post he had held from January 22, 1973. As Deputy Secretary, he supervised the Administration's program to restructure and improve U.S. financial institutions. He also served as the first Administrator of the Federal Energy Office. From December 4, 1973, Mr. Simon simultaneously launched and administered the Federal Energy Administration at the height of the oil embargo. He also chaired the President's Oil Policy Committee and was instrumental in revising the mandatory oil import program in April 1973. Mr. Simon was a member of the President's Energy Resources Council and continued to have major responsibility for coordinating both domestic and international energy policy. In 1977, Mr. Simon received the Alexander Hamilton Award, the Treasury Department's highest honor. In 1976, while serving as Secretary of the Treasury, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt presented Mr. Simon with the Collar of the Republic/Order of the Nile. Mr. Simon's term as Secretary of the Treasury ended on January 20, 1977. [...] As a man of faith and an active Knight of Malta, Mr. Simon considered the opportunity to serve those less fortunate than he a God-given privilege and, indeed, a responsibility. A volunteer at Covenant House and a Eucharistic Minister to patients, many of whom were destitute and terminally ill or both, at four hospitals, William E. Simon made a personal commitment to serve the sick and poor. He was also a well-known philanthropist, and created hundreds of scholarships for underprivileged students at both the high school and college level. He endowed chairs at numerous institutions, including the William E. Simon Chairs in Political Economy at Lafayette College, his alma mater, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies a prominent think tank in Washington, D.C.. |
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In the 1990s, Simon became more interested in matters of his Catholic faith, which was energized after a visit to Lourdes in 1992. Working through the Knights of Malta, a Catholic charitable order, Simon began visiting patients in Catholic hospitals to deliver the Eucharist. At times, Simon administered the Eucharist to as many as 30 dying patients a day. “Writing checks for charities is necessary and important,” Simon told the Chronicle of Philanthropy in 1998, “but it can’t compare with corporal acts of mercy, which are infinitely greater. My Eucharistic ministry is the most important thing that I do or have ever done.” |
http://www.philanthropyroundtable.org/files/Foundation%20Builders.pdf (p76) (Proof Positive)
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“Each of us must find our own way to honor God, and find that path He has set for us. But, we are certainly meant to be more than just the socially and financially elite among Catholics, as so many mistakenly perceive us to be.” William E. Simon knew, when he was addressing his fellow Knights of Malta, (reprinted in the October 1994 issue of Crisis magazine), that he was called to something much higher than a distinguished career in banking, government, and philanthropy. He was called, fundamentally, to be a servant of Christ. |
http://www.thomasaquinas.edu/news/newsletter/2000/summer/simon.htm (Proof Positive II)
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A partial list of the Knights and Dames of Malta reads like a Who’s Who of American Catholicism: [...] # William Simon – Treasury Secretary under President Nixon. In the private sector, he has become one of America’s 400 richest individuals by working in international finance. Today he is the President of the John M. Olin Foundation, a major funder of right-wing think tanks. |
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"[As of 1986] Grace, whose aides include another Knight of Malta, former United States Treasury Secretary William Simon, runs an organisation called Americares, of which he is chairman. A primary objective of Americares is to raise money for aid to Central America. The agency in charge of distributing this aid is the Order of Malta, working through its field organisation in El Salvadore, Guatemala and Honduras." 21. "AmeriCares, with the help of Friends of the Democratic Center in Central America (Prodemca), conducted an advertising campaign in the U.S. on behalf of La Prensa. The ads for La Prensa solicited funds from the public to pay for the shipment of newsprint to Nicaragua.(28) Prodemca was a neoconservative group that provided U.S. government grants to La Prensa and sponsored pro-contra aid ads in U.S. newspapers using funds from Oliver North's secret aid network.(28) "William Simon and Prescott Bush Jr. are also members of the Knights of Malta, and Simon was also on Prodemca's national council. Both Prodemca and the Knights of Malta were involved in efforts to support the contras and/or private sector opposition groups in Nicaragua. Simon, who was Treasury Secretary under Richard Nixon, was also the chairman of the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), a fundraising organization set up in l985 by the Washington Times, a newspaper owned by the Unification Church. The NFF was established to raise funds for the contras.(12,17)..." 22. |
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William Simon appears to be the consistent link in the Nicaraguan Freedom Fund/AmeriCares/Knights of Malta network. He is on the board of first two and a long-time member of the Knights of Malta. (1,16,17) Simon also served on the national council of PRODEMCA. (19) He is an international business counselor at the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS). (20) CSIS has "The William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy" which is given to scholars of free enterprise and the capitalist system. (13) He is or was also a trustee the Heritage Fdn, a policy development think tank influential in the early years of the Reagan administration. (18) Simon also has been connected with another right-wing think tank, the American Enterprise Institute, and with Accuracy in Media, a media watchdog group for the Right. (19) Simon is a member of the the Council for National Policy. (12) |
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"As a man of faith and an active Knight of Malta, Mr. Simon considered the opportunity to serve those less fortunate than he a God-given privilege and responsibility. In the last years of his life, he served as a eucharistic minister to patients, many of whom were destitute and terminally ill, at several hospitals. He called this work "the most important thing that I do or have ever done." Mr. Simon was the first recipient, in 1996, of the Blessed Hyacinth Cormier Award for Outstanding Catholic Leadership. In May 1999, he received the Ignatian Medal from Gregorian University in Rome, as well as an honorary doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas. |
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Opus Dei also controls a wide range of media assets (600 newspapers, 52 radio and TV stations, 12 film companies and 38 news agencies) and sponsors educational and social programs in various countries. These efforts have been endorsed by members of the American section of the SMOM such as William Simon (Citicorp) and Francis X. Stankard (Chase Manhattan Bank), who have spoken at Opus Dei seminars and other functions of the group. |
SMOM by mention:
Social Network Diagram:

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SIMON WILLIAM EDWARD Chile 1976 Honduras 1985 Nicaragua 1985 * Allen,M.P. The Founding Fortunes. 1989 (296) * Anderson,J. Peace, War, and Politics. 1999 (276, 279) * Andrew,J. Power to Destroy. 2002 (112, 236) * Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Periscope 1988-SU (13) * Baer,R. Sleeping with the Devil. 2004 (43-4) * Barlett,D. Steele,J. America: What Went Wrong? 1992 (16-7, 154) * Blumenthal,S. Rise of the Counter-Establishment. 1988 (10, 64-7, 206) * Brewton,P. The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush. 1992 (233) * Bruck,C. The Predators' Ball. 1989 (99) * Burnham,D. A Law Unto Itself. 1989 (206-8) * Chernow,R. The House of Morgan. 1990 (624) * Cockburn,A. Silverstein,K. Washington Babylon. 1996 (11) * Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 1997 * CounterSpy 1976-12 (33) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1984-#21 (26) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1985-#24 (35) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1986-#25 (35, 37) * Covert Action Quarterly 1998-#63 (7) * Dinges,J. Landau,S. Assassination on Embassy Row. 1981 (168-9) * Dye,T. Who's Running America? 1983 (90) * Emerson,S. The American House of Saud. 1985 (114-5, 318, 329) * Executive Intelligence Review 1999-04-23 (55) * Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). Extra! 1987-09 (9) * Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). Extra! 1996-08 (9) * Forbes 400 Richest Americans. 1991 * Francis,D. Controlling Interest: Who Owns Canada? 1986 (53) * Guardian (New York) 1985-03-13 (3) * Havill,A. Deep Truth. 1993 (112) * Hawks,J. For a Good Cause? 1997 (141) * Honey,M. Barry,T. Global Focus. 2000 (65) * Johnston,D. Perfectly Legal. 2003 (271) * Lernoux,P. People of God. 1989 (200, 295, 299-300) * Levins,H. Arab Reach. 1983 (271) * Lewis,C. The Buying of the President 2000. 2000 (121-2) * Lind,M. Up From Conservatism. 1997 (80-2) * McCartney,L. Friends in High Places. 1988 (174, 187-8) * Mother Jones 1983-07 (23, 36) * NACLA. Latin America and Empire Report 1976-12 (5-6) * Nader,R. Taylor,W. The Big Boys. 1986 (486) * Nation 1987-06-06 (763) * Nation 1988-04-30 (615) * National Reporter 1986-W (57-8, 60) * National Reporter 1986-SU (25) * Naylor,R.T. Hot Money and the Politics of Debt. 1994 (398) * New York Times 1990-10-07 (26) * New York Times 1998-02-12 (C2) * New York Times 2001-05-20 (14) * PRODEMCA. National Council Member. 1986 * Persico,J. Casey. 1991 (166) * Rampton,S. Stauber,J. Banana Republicans. 2004 (80) * Raviv,D. Melman,Y. Friends in Deed. 1994 (166) * Resource Center. AIFLD in Central America. 1986 (57, 72) * Resource Center. Bulletin 1989-F (5) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1989-CFW (3) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1989-CSIS (1, 3) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1991-AEI (2, 4) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1991-SMOM (1) * Resource Center. The New Right Humanitarians. 1986 (8 ) * Robinson,W. A Faustian Bargain. 1992 (123) * Saloma,J. Ominous Politics. 1984 (7, 11, 15, 24, 65-6, 75) * Sampson,A. The Money Lenders. 1982 (136-8, 277, 298) * San Antonio Express-News 2000-06-04 (19A) * Silk,L.& M. The American Establishment. 1980 (178, 319-22) * Sklar,H. Washington's War on Nicaragua. 1988 (240-1) * Smith,J. The Idea Brokers. 1993 (179, 181) * Sojourners Magazine 1985-10 (16) * Soley,L. Leasing the Ivory Tower. 1995 (71, 110, 136) * Spotlight Newspaper 1997-12-08 (12) * Stauber,J. Rampton,S. Toxic Sludge Is Good for You. 1995 (164) * Stewart,J. Den of Thieves. 1991 (83) * Sykes,C. The Hollow Men. 1990 (238, 264, 292) * Syrokomsky,V. International Terrorism and the CIA. 1983 (123) * Taheri,A. Nest of Spies. 1988 (66) * Texas Observer 1991-05-31 (7, 23) * Thomas,E. The Man to See. 1991 (394) * Truell,P. Gurwin,L. False Profits. 1992 (106) * Vise,D. Coll,S. Eagle on the Street. 1991 (146) * Walls,D. The Activist's Almanac. 1993 (377) * Washington Post 1984-12-27 (A25) * Washington Times 1992-06-15 (A6) * Weissman,S. Big Brother and the Holding Company. 1974 (230) * Wilcox,D.A... The Right Guide. 1993 (63, 131) pages cited this search: 136 |
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