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Richard V. Allen Religion: Roman Catholic Occupation: Government, Activist Party Affiliation: Republican Nationality: United States Executive summary: Reagan National Security Advisor In Los Angeles in January 1977, Ronald Reagan floated something past his chief foreign policy advisor: "Dick, my idea of American policy toward the Soviet Union is simple, and some would say simplistic. It is this: We win and they lose. What do you think of that?" Evidently, Allen approved. After Reagan won the 1980 election, he brought Allen to the White House as his National Security Advisor. Allen resigned on 4 January 1982 as a result of political infighting within the administration which had irreparably damaged his working relationship with the President. At the time there were reports that Allen's departure had occurred under a cloud of controversy -- according to news stories, he had allegedly received a $1,000 bribe from a Japanese magazine in exchange for an interview with First Lady Nancy Reagan. This despite the fact that investigations by both the Justice Department and the White House Counsel found no reason to pursue the matter. As far as can be determined, the story goes like this: Allen attempted to set up the interview for the Japanese magazine, but failed for whatever reason. So some White House aide wound up arranging the thing, at which Allen happened to be present. Following the interview, the journalists attempted to hand over $1,000 in cash to the First Lady, but Allen reached in and "intercepted" the honorarium. He handed it to his secretary with instructions that the money be sent to the Treasury Department. Unfortunately, the secretary threw the money in Allen's office safe and forgot about it. University: BA, University of Notre Dame (1957) University: MA Political Science, University of Notre Dame (1958) University: University of Freiburg, Germany University: University of Munich, Germany White House National Security Advisor 1981-82 US National Security Council Defense Policy Board Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board American Center for Democracy Capital Research Center Advisory Board Catholic Campaign for America Board Member Center for Strategic & International Studies Advisory Board Committee for a Free World Committee on the Present Danger Council for National Policy 1988- Council on Foreign Relations The Heritage Foundation Distinguished Fellow Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Intercollegiate Studies Institute Board of Trustees International Crisis Group Advisory Council Knights of Malta Nixon Center Project for the New American Century Republican National Committee Advisory Council on National Security and International Affairs Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Board of Governors, Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation |
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"Wotta Knight," New York Daily News, 1/9/83 (Alexander Haig and Rev. Francis Haig). (NOTE: Other Knights in key positions of power include the following: William Casey (CIA Director), Franklyn Nofziger (White House aide), Richard V. Allen (Nat. Security Advisor) |
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Allen, Richard V. CFR, SMOM • National Security Advisor (1981-82) • member Council for National Policy (CNP) • Committee on the Present Danger • Hoover Institution • Heritage Foundation8 |
Social Network Diagram:

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ALLEN RICHARD VINCENT Portugal 1974-1975 Guatemala 1980 Japan 1985 * Barnet,R. Cavanagh,J. Global Dreams. 1995 (203) * Ben-Menashe,A. Profits of War. 1992 (71) * Blumenthal,S. Rise of the Counter-Establishment. 1988 (35, 46-7, 141) * Broad,W. Teller's War. 1992 (106) * Brownstein,R. Easton,N. Reagan's Ruling Class. 1983 (533) * COHA. Resource Center. NED: A Foreign Policy Branch Gone Awry. 1990 (36, 39, 78) * Choate,P. Agents of Influence. 1991 (69-70, 217) * Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1987-01-31 (14) * Cockburn,L. Out of Control. 1987 (192-3) * Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 2004 * CounterSpy 1981-07 (11) * CounterSpy 1981-10 (23) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1980-#10 (41-2) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1981-#12 (9, 14, 17, 40) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1981-#13 (7, 9) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1982-#16 (57) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1982-#17 (49) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1988-#30 (31-3) * Covert Action Quarterly 2002-#74 (4) * Duignan,P. The Hoover Institution. 1989 (90) * Dye,T. Who's Running America? 1983 (79, 104-5) * Emerson,S. The American House of Saud. 1985 (2) * Esquire 1991-10 (103) * Findley,P. They Dare to Speak Out. 1989 (158) * Fitzgerald,F. Way Out There in the Blue. 2000 (98, 113, 119, 132, 138-9, 158) * Friedman,A. Spider's Web. 1993 (22) * Furiati,C. ZR Rifle. 1994 (152) * Hartung,W. And Weapons for All. 1994 (60) * Heritage Foundation. Telephone List. 1986-11-17 * Heritage Foundation. Telephone List. 1988-10-05 * Hersh,S. The Price of Power. 1983 (11-3, 38-9) * Honegger,B. October Surprise. 1989 (3, 10-1, 15-6, 21-3, 26, 58, 79, 91-3, 122-3, 137-8, 227) * Hougan,J. Spooks. 1979 (193-5) * In These Times 1987-07-07 (12-3) * In These Times 1991-04-23 (9) * Intelligence/Parapolitics (Paris) 1987-03 (7) * Jensen-Stevenson,M. Stevenson,W. Kiss the Boys Goodbye. 1990 (156-8) * Johnson,R.W. Shootdown. 1987 (107) * Kilian,M. Sawislak,A. Who Runs Washington? 1982 (9-10) * Kruger,H. The Great Heroin Coup. 1980 (21-2, 26) * Lasky,V. It Didn't Start With Watergate. 1978 (237-8) * Lewis,C. America's Frontline Trade Officials. 1990 (40) * Lewis,C. The Buying of the President. 1996 (99) * Lobster Magazine (Britain) 1987-#14 (1-2, 6) * Los Angeles Times 1980-11-15 (I5, 6) * Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (52, 56-7, 76, 81, 164, 216) * Nair,K. Devil and His Dart. 1986 (44) * Nation 1987-06-06 (762) * Naylor,R.T. Hot Money and the Politics of Debt. 1994 (41) * New York Times Magazine 1987-02-22 (26) * New York Times 1990-11-04 (F12) * Newsweek 1976-01-12 (48) * O'Toole,G. The Private Sector. 1978 (221-2) * Parapolitics/USA 1981-05-30 (12) * Parapolitics/USA 1981-08-15 (42-3) * Parapolitics/USA 1982-03-31 (32) * Parry,R. Trick or Treason. 1993 (22, 116-23, 290-2, 312) * Penthouse 1981-06 (54, 62-3) * Penthouse 1987-12 (64) * Perry,M. Eclipse. 1992 (231-2) * Persico,J. Casey. 1991 (130) * Playboy 1988-10 (74, 150-2) * Prados,J. Keepers of the Keys. 1991 (277, 449, 454) * Public Eye Magazine 1981 (35) * Resource Center. Bulletin 1989-F (4-5) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1989-CFW (2) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1989-CSIS (1-3) * Saloma,J. Ominous Politics. 1984 (42, 126) * Sanders,J. Peddlers of Crisis. 1983 (155, 287) * Sauter,M. Sanders,J. The Men We Left Behind. 1993 (184, 263-4) * Schweizer,P. Friendly Spies. 1993 (82, 135) * Seagrave,S.& P. Gold Warriors. 2003 (123, 131) * Sick,G. October Surprise. 1991 (24, 26, 28, 30-1, 116-9, 123, 137-40, 160) * Smith,H. The Power Game. 1989 (267) * Smith,J. The Idea Brokers. 1993 (7, 205, 209) * Snyder,A. Warriors of Disinformation. 1995 (224, 241) * Soley,L. Leasing the Ivory Tower. 1995 (112) * Spotlight Newspaper 1992-07-27 (4) * Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (322-3, 356-7, 360, 380) * Thomas,G. Gideon's Spies. 2000 (244) * Thomas,G. Journey Into Madness. 1990 (332) * Tower Commission Report. 1987-02-26 (II5) * Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (207-8, 254-5, 275) * Turner,W. Power on the Right. 1971 (212) * Vankin,J. Whalen,J. The 60 Greatest Conspiracies. 1998 (265-6) * Vistica,G. Fall From Glory. 1997 (20, 69, 79-80, 116, 150) * Washington City Paper 1993-06-11 (28) * Washington Post 1983-01-02 (B2) * Washington Post 1986-04-27 (A12) * Washington Post 1986-05-11 (D2) * Washington Post 1991-04-16 (A12) * Washington Times 1992-06-25 (A7) * Washington Times 1992-08-12 (G1, 4) * Washington Times 1994-06-22 (A17) * Weinberg,S. Armand Hammer: The Untold Story. 1989 (421) * Who's Who in America. 1984-1985 * Woodward,B. Veil. 1987 (18, 49-50) * Z Magazine 1989-12 (52, 57) pages cited this search: 228 |
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