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Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (June 29, 1911 in Jena – December 1, 2004 in Utrecht), Prince of Lippe-Biesterfeld, born HSH Count Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter of Lippe-Biesterfeld (later elevated thus to Prince), was Prince Consort to the late Queen Juliana, and father of 6 children; one of them is the current monarch, Queen Beatrix. Although his private life was rather known and even controversial, Bernhard was generally seen as a charming and popular figure among the majority of Dutch people for his performance as a pilot and activities as a liaisons officer during World War II and rebuilding afterwards, or even for helping out specific individuals. The German-born prince helped found the World Wildlife Fund (later renamed World Wide Fund for Nature), becoming its first president in 1961. He also established the 1001 Club:A Nature Trust in 1970 to fund the organization. He helped found the Rotary International and was one of two founders of the Bilderberg Group, an international grouping, with its composition varying slightly, meeting yearly in order to discuss the future of the world and issues concerning Europe. [...] Entry into the House of Orange In the 1930s, with the rise of Adolf Hitler, Prince Bernhard's younger brother, Aschwin, publicly declared his support for the Nazi Party. Prince Bernhard was a member of the honorary German Reiter SS Corps (SS Cavalry Corps). The Prince eventually went to work for the German chemical company, IG Farben. After a period of training, he became Secretary to the Board of Directors at the Paris office in 1935. Because he was a Protestant and a Royal, Bernhard was acceptable to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands as a suitable husband for her daughter, Princess Juliana. However, Bernhard's appropriateness as the consort of the future Queen would later become a matter of public debate. Prince Bernhard's political affiliations with the Nazi regime have received much attention. Various members of his family and acquaintances were aligned with the Nazis prior to and during the war - a number of these being entertained shortly before and joining the royal wedding. Protocol demanded that the Prince-Consort be invited to an audience with his head of state, the German dictator Adolf Hitler. The atmosphere was less than cordial. The dictator is reported to have made some small talk about tourism on the Rhine and reportedly hailed the union between the Prince and Princess Juliana as a great alliance of Germanic nations. The Prince and Hitler met only once. Later, at his dinner table Hitler called Bernhard "a complete idiot". The Prince's brother, Prince Aschwin of Lippe-Biesterfeld, was serving his country as an officer in the German army. Although the secret services on both sides were interested in this peculiar pair of brothers, no improper contacts or leaks of information were discovered. The Prince showed himself to be a loyal Dutch citizen and officer. He cut off relations with those members of his family who were enthusiastic Nazis. As a sign of his "Dutchness" he spoke only Dutch when negotiating the surrender of German forces in the Netherlands. The Prince was known to be very fond of smart uniforms and medals. He made a point of wearing his medals in the English "Court style". The Dutch armed forces wear their medals in a manner that is copied from the Prussian Army. The Prince's deliberate disobedience of the regulations was not widely noticed but it is a clear sign of his allegiance. The Prince's mother was no admirer of the Nazis and got into trouble for refusing to hoist a swastika flag on her country seat in Reckenwalde. The Nazi government did not take kindly to her, as the mother of an allied general. |
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Lippe-Bisterfeld, Bernhard von. Born and educated in Germany. Controversial past. Became Prince of the Netherlands. Commander of the Dutch domestic army 1946-1976, Inspector-General of the Dutch Air Force, Army and Navy 1946-1976. Approached by Vatican prelate Joseph Retinger to establish Bilderberg. Chairman Bilderberg 1954-1976. He had to resign from all of the above after he became involved in the Lockheed Affair of 1976. The ones who bribed him and handed him the money were also 1001 Club members. Bernhard was involved in the founding of the 1001 Club and was the head of WWF International and WWF Holland. Together with Edmond de Rothschild he was the godfather of Alexia Grinda, one of his extramarital daughters (he met the mother when visiting the Rothschild family in 66/67). He loved to duck hunt with 1001 Club member Stavros Niarchos. Good friend of Zionist Mossad agent Tibor Rosenbaum, another member of the 1001 Club. |
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Korte geschiedenis van de Orde Rang van Grootkruis van Eer en Devotie van de Nederlandse Afdeling van de SMH Orde van Malta (tot 1970) (Rank of Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion of the Dutch branch of the SMHOM (until 1970)) 1949 S.K.H. Prins Bernhard, Prins van Lippe Biesterfeld, Baljuw (Bailiff) |
http://www.maltezerorde.nl/gesch_rang_grootkruis.htm (Proof Positive)

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Erebaljuw Grootkruis in de Souvereigne en Militaire Orde van Malta |

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands decorating Canadians with the Royal Order of Orange Nassau with Crossed Swords (1945)
On the nexus between SMOM and the Johanniter Order (Protestant counterpart of SMOM) :
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Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands. The Prince was the founding chairman of the publicity-shy Western power elite, the Bilderbergers. This shadowy and secretive group meets over a weekend in May/June each year, under an almost total media blackout [see deBriefings this issue]. Powerful and very influential figures from the world of banking, business, politics, the media, trades unions and academia are invited. Included regularly, for example, are Dr Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, and Italy's "king-maker", Gianni Agnelli. The first meeting took place in May 1954. This, strangely, was the same year that Prince Bernhard became head of the Johanitter Orde in Nederland, one of four orders that make up the Chivalric Alliance of Orders of Saint John (Alliance de Chevalerie des Hospitaliers de Saint Jean de Jérusalem). The stated purpose of these four, known as "the Alliance"--which is composed of northern European nations Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and Great Britain, the latter being an ancient order known as "the Most Venerable Order"--is "to reduce to silence the enemies of Christ". The headquarters of the Alliance are located in Switzerland. These are Protestant orders rather than Catholic, but it is of significance that, on 26 November 1963, the Alliance was "consolidated with the signing of a joint declaration between the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Most Venerable Order, at St John's Gate, London, by the Grand Chancellor of the SMOM, the Prince of Resuttano, and Lord Wakehurst, Lord Prior of the Most Venerable Order". In other words, the Catholic and Protestant orders bound themselves to work together to "silence the enemies of Christ"--a clear reference to communism. |
Social Network:

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ERNHARD PRINCE Netherlands 1937-1990 * Agee,P. Wolf,L. Dirty Work. 1978 (194) * Bainerman,J. The Crimes of a President. 1992 (314) * Bird,K. The Chairman. 1992 (471-2) * Brogan,P. Zarca,A. Deadly Business. 1983 (359-61) * Dorril,S. MI6. 2000 (496) * Executive Intelligence Review 1999-01-29 (24) * Finder,J. Red Carpet. 1983 (176) * Gill,S. American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. 1991 (123, 131, 158) * Hartung,W. And Weapons for All. 1994 (255) * Hirsch,F. Fletcher,R. The CIA and the Labour Movement. 1977 (58-9) * Hutchison,R. Vesco. 1976 (287) * Intelligence Newsletter (Paris) 1991-01-30 (2) * Kessler,R. The Richest Man in the World. 1986 (139-40) * Lobster Magazine (Britain) 1996-#32 (4, 6) * Nader,R. Taylor,W. The Big Boys. 1986 (355) * Parapolitics/USA 1981-05-30 (29, 47) * Parapolitics/USA 1983-03-01 (31) * Rich,B. Janos,L. Skunk Works. 1994 (11) * Sampson,A. The Arms Bazaar. 1978 (130-3) * Sampson,A. The Money Lenders. 1982 (79) * Schmidt,O. The Intelligence Files. 2005 (39) * Sklar,H. Trilateralism. 1980 (157-8, 164-7, 182-3) * Spotlight Newspaper 1998-07-20 (B7) * Spotlight. Report on the Bilderberg Group. 1991-09 (3, 5) * Swanberg,W.A. Luce and His Empire. 1972 (480) * Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (315) * Van der Pijl,K. The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. 1997 (166, 182, 206) * Vankin,J. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes. 1991 (212) pages cited this search: 50 |
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