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Allen Welsh Dulles (April 7, 1893 – January 29, 1969) was the first civilian and the longest serving (1953-1961) Director of Central Intelligence (de-facto head of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency) and a member of the Warren Commission. Between stints of government service, Dulles was a corporate lawyer and partner at Sullivan & Cromwell. Dulles was appointed by William J. Donovan to become head of operations in New York for the Coordinator of Information (COI), which was set up in Room 3603 of Rockefeller Center, taking over offices staffed by Britain's MI6. The COI was the precursor to the Office of Strategic Services, renamed in 1942. During the 1930s Allen Dulles gained much experience in Germany. An early foe of Adolf Hitler, Dulles was transferred from Britain to Berne, Switzerland for the rest of World War II, and notably was heavily involved in the controversial and secret Operation Sunrise. He is featured in the classic Soviet TV series Seventeen Moments of Spring for his role in that operation. Dulles became the station chief in Berne, Switzerland, for the newly formed Office of Strategic Services (the precursor to the CIA), a logical one. Dulles supplied his government with much sensitive information about Nazi Germany. Dulles worked on intelligence regarding German plans and activities. Dulles established wide contacts with German émigrés, resistance figures, and anti-Nazi intelligence officers (who linked him, through Hans Bernd Gisevius, to the tiny but daring opposition to Hitler in Germany itself). Although Washington barred Dulles from making firm commitments to the plotters of the 20 July 1944 attempt to assassinate Hitler, the conspirators nonetheless gave him reports on developments in Germany, including sketchy but accurate warnings of plans for Hitler’s V-1 and V-2 missiles. Dulles's career was jump-started by the information provided by Fritz Kolbe, a German diplomat and a foe of the Nazis. Kolbe supplied secret documents regarding active German spies and plans regarding the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter. In 1945, he played a central role in negotiations leading to the unconditional capitulation of German troops in Italy. After the war in Europe, Dulles served for six months as the OSS Berlin station chief. In 1947, Congress created the Central Intelligence Agency. Dulles was closely involved with its development. His translator at this time was Henry Kissinger, who worked for Army Intelligence. Dulles' CIA Operation Paperclip assimilated Nazi scientists into the American establishment by obscuring their histories and short circuiting efforts to bring their true stories to light. The project was led by officers in the United States Army. Although the program officially ended in September 1947, those officers and others carried out a conspiracy until the mid-fifties that bypassed both law and presidential directive to keep Paperclip going. Neither Presidents Truman nor Eisenhower were informed that their instructions were ignored. In the 1948 Presidential election, Allen Dulles was Republican nominee Thomas E. Dewey's chief advisor. The Dulles brothers and James Forrestal helped form the Office of Policy Coordination.Under President Eisenhower, Dulles became CIA director. |
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They also shared another very interesting commonality, they were all faithful Catholics. And not just that; Pinay, Habsburg, and Adenauer were members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM). Pinay, Habsburg and the less prominent Jean Violet have also been accused of involvement with Opus Dei. On the membership list of Le Cercle you'll find plenty of names accused of having been connected with the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, or the Priory the Sion (monarchist templar organization). This is all the more interesting, because Joseph Retinger, who recruited Bernhard and others to set up Bilderberg, was another Vatican agent; a Jesuit and likely a Knight of Malta. At the end of WWII, the Knights of Malta have been involved with smuggling nazis out of Germany with the help of the OSS (later CIA), an organisation they themselves created. In turn, the CIA funded the covert anti-communist war in Europe, including Radio Free Europe, the Economist, the European Council of Princes, the Gehlen Organization, the Stay-Behind networks, the Pinay Circle, and the overall European moverment. A lot of this money was funneled through American Committee on United Europe (ACUE), which was established at the direction of Duncan Sandys, Joseph Retinger, Allen Dulles, and William Donovan. Dulles and Donovan were top CIA chiefs and Knights of Malta, Retinger a Vatican agent, and Duncan Sandys a son-in-law of Churchill. Besides the CIA's clandestine efforts, the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Institute were the prime sponsors of the ACUE |
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Included it in the original Circle article but I have no clue of its source. Besides, Dulles died in 1969, the year the Circle was supposedly founded. Brother of John F. Dulles. Princeton up to 1916. Attended Cap & Gown events, according to Kay Griggs, just as Donald Rumsfeld, William Colby, Frank Carlucci, James Baker, George Griggs, and George P. Shultz (August 3, 2005, Rense). Sent to Bern, Switzerland to work under State Department senior Hugh Wilson (Skull & Bones 1909) to collect political information on Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1916-1918. Joines his older brother, John Foster Dulles (Pilgrim), and David Bruce (Pilgrim) as members of President Woodrow Wilson's staff at the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919. Became a partner in Sullivan & Cromwell from 1927. Director of Schroder Co. Director Council on Foreign Relations 1927-1933. Secretary Council on Foreign Relations 1933-1944. In May 1941 he urges the U.S. to enter World War II. Recruited by OSS intelligence chief and Knight of Malta Colonel William J. Donovan 1941. Sets up and runs a spy post in Bern, Switserland 1942-1945. Vice-president Council on Foreign Relations 1944-1946. Said to have been involved in Operation Paperclip where about many German scientists and their families were secretly imported into the United States and placed into the Military-Industrial complex. President Council on Foreign Relations 1946-1950. Director Central Intelligence Agency 1953-1961. Member of President Johnson’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy 1963-1964 (forerunner of the Warren Commission). Primary United Fruit Company shareholder. Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C. is named after him. Dulles was a member of Le Cercle and the Order of Malta. Member of the Pilgrims Society. Seems to have been a member of the 'Knight's Templar' (together with Kermit Roosevelt and Frank Wisner), an elite intelligence group within the CIA. |
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The SMOM awarded its Croce Al Merito Seconda Classe to Italy's OSS chief James Jesus Angleton in 1946, around the same time it honored his boss, Allen Dulles. |
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Knight William Donovan served as chief aide to the American prosecutor at the post-war Nuremberg trials, after handing over the reigns of the OSS/CIA to fellow Knight Allen Dulles. Prior to working for the OSS (he headed the OSS station in Switzerland during the war) Allen Dulles and his law partner John Foster had served as business managers and lawyers to John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil. They personally brokered the partnership between Standard Oil and I.G. Farben chemical corporation. I.G.Farben not only produced gasoline for the Nazi war machine, it manufactured "Zyklon B", used slave labor before and during the war (including their huge petro-chemical factory adjacent to Auschwitz death camp), owned Bayer Pharmaceuticals which according to a current lawsuit was directly involved in Dr. Josef Mengele's horrific Auschwitz experiments, and was spared from Allied bombings due to its Rockefeller interests. |
Other sites mentioning Allen Dulles having a SMOM membership:
Social Network Diagram:

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DULLES ALLEN WELSH Turkey 1921 Switzerland 1942-1945 Guatemala 1954 Cambodia 1955 Cuba 1961 * Aarons,M. Loftus,J. Unholy Trinity. 1992 (38-9, 225-6, 233-4, 238, 246, 255, 258-60, 269-70, 276-8) * Anderson,J. Peace, War, and Politics. 1999 (107, 118) * Anson,R. They've Killed the President! 1975 (300) * Ashman,C. Wagman,R. The Nazi Hunters. 1988 (108-9) * Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1995-W (13) * Bamford,J. Body of Secrets. 2001 (52, 54) * Bill,J. The Eagle and the Lion. 1988 (87, 89) * Bird,K. The Chairman. 1992 (108-9, 112, 458, 555) * Bird,K. The Color of Truth. 1998 (106, 112, 166-8) * Bledowska,C. Bloch,J. KGB/CIA. 1987 (38-9) * Blumenthal,S. Yazijian,H. Government by Gunplay. 1976 (241) * Borosage,R. Marks,J. The CIA File. 1976 (107) * Bower,T. Nazi Gold. 1998 (37, 89-90) * Brogan,P. Zarca,A. Deadly Business. 1983 (48-50) * Burleigh,N. A Very Private Woman. 1999 (105, 116, 127, 173, 295) * CIA. Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro 1967-04-25 (17-8, 34) * CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Index 1955-1992 (28) * CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Website Index. 2006 (23, 52, 87, 91) * Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1987-01-31 (32) * Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1988-03-25 (8-9) * Colby,G. Dennett,C. Thy Will Be Done. 1995 (251, 332) * Colby,G. DuPont Dynasty. 1984 (400) * Cookridge,E.H. Gehlen: Spy of the Century. 1972 * Copeland,M. The Game Player. 1989 (126-7) * Corson,W. The Armies of Ignorance. 1977 (469) * Corson,W. Trento,S.& J. Widows. 1989 (11-2) * Corvo,M. The O.S.S. in Italy, 1942-1945. 1990 (32-3, 185, 209, 244, 250, 260-1, 270, 273) * Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 1988 (164, 166) * CounterSpy 1980-10 (2) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1986-#25 (6, 8, 12-4) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1990-#35 (11, 14, 33) * Davis,D. Katharine the Great. 1987 (185) * Davis,J. Mafia Kingfish. 1989 (282-3, 290-2, 296) * Denton,S. Morris,R. The Money and the Power. 2001 (209) * DiEugenio,J. Destiny Betrayed. 1992 (6-7, 20-1, 87-8, 90, 92, 347) * DiEugenio,J. Pease,L. The Assassinations. 2003 (40-1, 595) * Diamond,S. Compromised Campus. 1992 (71, 289) * Domhoff,G.W. The Higher Circles. 1971 (131, 264) * Domhoff,G.W. Who Rules America? 1967 (72, 76, 127) * Dorril,S. MI6. 2000 (168, 400, 464, 581, 598) * Duffy,J. Ricci,V. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. 1992 (165-7) * EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992 (370, 373, 540) * Epstein,E. Deception. 1989 (40-1) * Escalante,F. The Secret War. 1995 (41) * Eveland,W.C. Ropes of Sand. 1980 (94-5) * Fensterwald,B. Coincidence or Conspiracy? 1977 (80-5) * Frazier,H. Uncloaking the CIA. 1978 (82) * Furiati,C. ZR Rifle. 1994 (11, 36) * Galiullin,R. The CIA in Asia. 1988 (22-4, 85) * Garrison,J. On the Trail of the Assassins. 1988 (104, 291) * Garwood,D. Under Cover. 1985 (57-8, 64, 218-25) * Giancana,S.& C. Double Cross. 1992 (293-4) * Gibbs,D. The Political Economy of Third World Intervention. 1991 (99-100, 107) * Gritz,J. Called to Serve. 1991 (539, 575) * Groden,R. Livingstone,H. High Treason. 1990 (35, 67) * Halperin,M... The Lawless State. 1976 (32) * Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992 * Hersh,S. The Dark Side of Camelot. 1997 (169-70, 173-5, 207-8, 273) * Higham,C. American Swastika. 1985 (188-92, 251) * Higham,C. Trading with the Enemy. 1984 (43) * Hinckle,W. Turner,W. The Fish is Red. 1981 (41-5, 79, 98-100, 226) * Hirsch,F. Fletcher,R. The CIA and the Labour Movement. 1977 (53-5, 66, 70) * Hitchens,C. Blood, Class, and Nostalgia. 1990 (329) * Hoehne,H. Zolling,H. The General Was a Spy. 1972 (230) * Hunt,H. Give Us This Day. 1973 (9, 213, 215-6, 219) * Immerman,R. The CIA in Guatemala. 1982 (124, 139) * Inquiry Magazine 1978-07-10 (18) * Jeffreys-Jones,R. The CIA and American Democracy. 1989 (44, 56-7, 72-3, 98, 101-3, 110-7, 127-8) * Kahin,A.& G. Subversion as Foreign Policy. 1995 * Kantor,S. The Ruby Cover-up. 1992 (161, 165, 187) * Kelly,S. America's Tyrant. 1993 (11, 34, 57-8, 61) * Lane,M. Plausible Denial. 1991 (41, 49, 98-9, 155) * Lashmar,P. Oliver,J. Britain's Secret Propaganda War. 1998 (145) * LeBor,A. Hitler's Secret Bankers. 1997 (97, 134-5, 167, 175-9, 213) * Lee,M. The Beast Reawakens. 1997 (6, 19-20, 25, 33, 37-9) * Lisagor,N. Lipsius,F. A Law Unto Itself. 1989 * Lobster Magazine (Britain) 1996-#32 (4) * Loftus,J. Aarons,M. The Secret War Against the Jews. 1994 (21-2, 38-41, 46, 55-92, 100-2, 109-12, 133-44, 151-2, 217-25, 230, 239-40, 252) * MacEoin,G. Revolution Next Door. 1971 (165) * Mader,J. Who's Who in CIA. 1968 * Mangold,T. Cold Warrior. 1991 (49-51) * Marks,J. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. 1980 (87) * Marrs,J. Crossfire. 1990 (232, 465-6, 470, 474, 487) * Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (126) * McCartney,L. Friends in High Places. 1988 (74, 115-8) * McClintock,M. Instruments of Statecraft. 1992 (150, 166) * Melanson,P. Spy Saga. 1990 (4-5, 129-33) * Minnick,W. Spies and Provocateurs. 1992 (59) * Moldea,D. The Hoffa Wars. 1978 (126, 131, 133) * Morrow,R. First Hand Knowledge. 1992 (25, 271, 289) * NACLA. Guatemala. 1974 (63, 165-6) * NACLA. Who Rules Columbia? 1970 (17) * Nair,K. Devil and His Dart. 1986 (105) * NameBase NewsLine 1996-01 (5) * NameBase NewsLine 1997-04 (2-3) * New Republic 1995-03-27 (32-7) * New York Magazine 1976-08-16 (28) * New York Times Book Review 1994-12-11 (9) * Newman,J. JFK and Vietnam. 1992 (29, 141, 245-6) * Newman,J. Oswald and the CIA. 1995 (118, 120-6) * Oglesby,C. The Yankee and Cowboy War. 1976 (42) * Operation Zapata: Bay of Pigs Testimony. 1984 * Payne,R. Dobson,C. Who's Who in Espionage. 1984 (41-2) * Perloff,J. The Shadows of Power. 1988 (104, 114) * Persico,J. Casey. 1991 (62-3) * Petrusenko,V. A Dangerous Game: CIA and the Mass Media. 1977 (36-7) * Pisani,S. The CIA and the Marshall Plan. 1991 (17, 20, 41, 45, 50, 61-4, 76, 79-80, 83, 108, 122) * Powers,T. The Man Who Kept the Secrets. 1981 (28, 397-8) * Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars. 1988 (34, 57, 82-3, 94, 107, 111, 130, 135-6, 176-8, 207-8, 210) * Prouty,L.F. JFK. 1992 (10, 26, 129, 156-60, 182, 303-4) * Quigley,C. The Anglo-American Establishment. 1981 (195) * Quigley,C. Tragedy and Hope. 1966 (938, 952, 1059, 1130, 1281) * Quirk,J. Central Intelligence Agency: A Photographic History. 1986 (225-7) * Raviv,D. Melman,Y. Friends in Deed. 1994 (60) * Reese,M. General Reinhard Gehlen: The CIA Connection. 1990 (xii, 90-1, 140-1) * Rich,B. Janos,L. Skunk Works. 1994 (158-9, 165) * Riebling,M. Wedge. 1994 (36, 84, 95, 119-22, 197-8) * Roelofs,J. Foundations and Public Policy. 2003 (160) * Russell,D. The Man Who Knew Too Much. 1992 (117, 130-1, 192, 234-5) * San Jose Mercury News 1993-03-28 (21) * Saunders,F. The Cultural Cold War. 2000 (35, 95-7, 129-32, 137, 140-1, 203, 209-12) * Scheim,D. Contract on America. 1988 (192, 210) * Schlesinger,S. Kinzer,S. Bitter Fruit. 1983 (106, 108) * Scott,P.D. Deep Politics. 1993 (295) * Scott,P.D... The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond. 1976 (14) * Seagrave,S.& P. Gold Warriors. 2003 (91) * Shoup,L. Minter,W. Imperial Brain Trust. 1977 (5, 61-2, 91, 95, 107-8, 120-1, 194-6, 210, 235, 289, 301) * Simpson,C. Blowback. 1988 (90, 125-6) * Simpson,C. The Splendid Blond Beast. 1993 (12-3, 20-2, 55-6, 121-4, 156-7, 189-91, 199-205, 217-9, 240-4, 267, 272-4, 276) * Simpson,C. Universities and Empire. 1998 (168-9, 172) * Sklar,H. Trilateralism. 1980 (185) * Smith,B. The Shadow Warriors. 1983 (56, 189-93, 213-4, 222-7, 406, 410-2) * Smith,R.H. OSS. 1981 (9-10, 204-41, 376-7) * Spin Magazine 1994-03 (52-3, 87) * Spotlight Newspaper 1998-07-20 (B7) * Summers,A. Conspiracy. 1981 (268) * Summers,A. The Arrogance of Power. 2000 (62-3, 184, 189) * Syrokomsky,V. International Terrorism and the CIA. 1983 (55-6) * Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (80, 338) * Thomas,E. The Very Best Men. 1996 * Thomas,G. Gideon's Spies. 2000 (43-4) * Thomas,G. Journey Into Madness. 1990 (85-98) * Thomas,K. Keith,J. The Octopus. 1996 (72, 77) * Thomas,K. Popular Alienation: A Steamshovel Press Reader. 1995 (82) * Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (1-12) * Trento,J. The Secret History of the CIA. 2001 * Tully,A. CIA: The Inside Story. 1962 (34-44, 258-9) * Tyson,J. Target America. 1981 (171) * Van der Pijl,K. The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class. 1997 (82, 131) * Vankin,J. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes. 1991 (177-8, 213, 244-5) * Volkman,E. Baggett,B. Secret Intelligence. 1989 (86-7, 107-8, 114, 130) * Volkman,E. Warriors of the Night. 1985 (39) * Washington Post 1985-02-19 (A7) * Weiner,T. Blank Check. 1991 (115) * Weissman,S. Big Brother and the Holding Company. 1974 (220) * West,N. Games of Intelligence. 1990 (11, 211) * Whiting,C. Gehlen: Germany's Master Spy. 1972 (107) * Wise,D. Ross,T. The Invisible Government. 1974 (11, 98-100, 235) * Wise,D. The American Police State. 1978 (216, 406) * Wolf,M. Man Without a Face. 1997 (63) * Wyden,P. Bay of Pigs. 1979 * Yakovlev,N. Washington Silhouettes. 1985 (217) pages cited this search: 730 |
1 comment:
America helping Hitler in WW II? Oh ya -keeping Germany's gasoline supply going right to the end of the war... even as America joined the war, even as US boys dying in the war...
And worse!! - helping Hitler's rise to power, installing him with the goal of building up Germany's war machine [for various reasons].
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