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Edward Bennett Williams (May 31, 1920 – August 13, 1988) was a Washington, D.C. trial attorney who founded the law firm of Williams & Connolly and owned several professional sports teams. He represented many high profile clients including Frank Sinatra, financier Robert Vesco, Playboy publisher Hugh Hefner, spy Igor Melekh, Jimmy Hoffa, organized crime figure Frank Costello, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, Michael Milken, the Washington Post newspaper and the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Williams, who was a graduate of the College of the Holy Cross and Georgetown University Law Center, successfully defended – among others – Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Jimmy Hoffa, John Connally and as one his last clients Michael Milken. Two of Williams' closest friends were the Washington Post's Art Buchwald and Ben Bradlee. His debating team partner at Holy Cross was Robert Maheu, Howard Hughes's right hand man for many years. In 1983 his two professional teams, the Baltimore Orioles and the Washington Redskins, both won their respective championships. He owned the Orioles from 1980 to 1988. When he bought the Orioles many feared he would move the team to Washington D.C., and these fears increased with the departure of the Colts. However, Williams never moved the team, and under his ownership, the team signed a new long term lease with Baltimore that would pay for a new stadium, which would become Oriole Park at Camden Yards. He would not live to see the new ball park. |
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Born: 31-May-1920 Birthplace: Hartford, CT Died: 13-Aug-1988 Cause of death: Cancer - unspecified Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Attorney Party Affiliation: Democratic [1] Nationality: United States Executive summary: Washington Superlawyer Military service: US Army Air Force (1941-42, medical discharge) Prominent clients included Joseph McCarthy (during his Senate censure, 1954), Jimmy Hoffa (bribery, 1957), Adam Clayton Powell (tax evasion, 1960), Frank Costello, Robert Vesco, Bobby Baker, and John Connally (bribery, 1976). [1] Republican until 1964. Father: Joseph Barnard Williams Mother: Mary Bennett Wife: Dorothy Adair Guider (m. 1949, d. 1959, three children) Wife: Agnes Anne Neill (William & Connolly attorney, m. 1960, four children) University: BA, College of the Holy Cross (1941) Law School: LLB, Georgetown University Law Center Professor: Criminal Law & Evidence, Georgetown University Law Center (1946-58) Williams & Connolly Co-Founder (1967-88) Williams & Wadden (1966-67) Williams, Wadden & Stein (1963-66) Williams & Stein (1962-63) Law Office of Edward Bennett Williams (1951-62) Chase & Williams Co-Founder, Partner (1949-51) Hogan & Hartson (1945-49) Teamsters General Counsel (1957-64) Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (1976-77, 1982-85) Member of the Board of 20th Century Fox (1981-?) Committee on the Present Danger Democratic National Committee Treasurer (1974-77) Knights of Malta National President (1984-) Pentagon Papers Advised the Post to publish Watergate Scandal The Washington Post Co. Counsel Wedding: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver (1986) Irish Ancestry Welsh Ancestry SPORTS FRANCHISE HISTORY Baltimore Orioles Owner (1979-88) Washington Redskins President (1965-85) Author of books: One Man's Freedom (1962) |
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Ford möchte, wie Ronald Reagan später auch, Edward Bennett Williams als CIA-Direktor, was dieser beide Male abschlägt. Williams besitzt die Baltimore Orioles, kontrolliert die Washington Redskins, sitzt im Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board des Präsidenten und wird 1984 Präsident der Knights of Malta. |
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In its early years, the Southern / Federal Association was largely a Washington-based organization. In the 1980's under President Edward Bennett Williams, the Association began to expand to other cities in the South and Midwest. Today there are over 750 members nationwide and 45 chaplains. Nearly 250 of that number live in the Washington and Baltimore area, the rest are spread out around the country. There are sizable numbers in Atlanta, Baltimore, Charlotte, Dallas, New Orleans, Kansas City, Syracuse, Jacksonville, and Pittsburgh; with smaller groups in several other cities. |
http://www.smom.org/federal.php (Proof Positive)
SMOM members by mention:

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WILLIAMS EDWARD BENNETT * Anderson,J. Peace, War, and Politics. 1999 (298-9) * Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Periscope 1988-F (26) * Blumenthal,S. Rise of the Counter-Establishment. 1988 (81) * Bradlee,B. A Good Life. 1995 (118, 201-2, 315-6, 345-6, 350-2, 359-60, 371, 461-3, 478, 485) * Bray,H. The Pillars of the Post. 1980 (132) * Brownstein,R. Easton,N. Reagan's Ruling Class. 1983 (534) * Colodny,L. Gettlin,R. Silent Coup. 1992 (302) * Copetas,A.C. Metal Men. 1986 (187-8, 212) * Davis,D. Katharine the Great. 1987 (257) * Davis,J. Mafia Dynasty. 1993 (94) * Davis,J. Mafia Kingfish. 1989 (294) * Denton,S. Morris,R. The Money and the Power. 2001 (211, 213) * DiEugenio,J. Pease,L. The Assassinations. 2003 (576-7) * Drosnin,M. Citizen Hughes. 1985 (433) * EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992 (10, 82) * Epstein,E. Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer. 1996 (281-3) * Evanzz,K. The Judas Factor. 1992 (xx) * Executive Intelligence Review 1998-11-06 (66) * Finder,J. Red Carpet. 1983 (233) * Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene 1988-06 (3) * Havill,A. Deep Truth. 1993 (91, 144) * Hinckle,W. If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade. 1990 (207-8, 305) * Hinckle,W. Turner,W. The Fish is Red. 1981 (272) * Hougan,J. Secret Agenda. 1984 (240, 262) * Hougan,J. Spooks. 1979 (99, 105, 182, 211-2, 264-5) * Jaworski,L. The Right and the Power. 1977 (329-30) * Kelly,T. The Imperial Post. 1983 (126, 182, 184, 187, 238) * Kessler,R. The Sins of the Father. 1997 (362) * Kilian,M. Sawislak,A. Who Runs Washington? 1982 (196-7, 287) * Knelman,F.H. America, God and the Bomb. 1987 (29) * Kruger,H. The Great Heroin Coup. 1980 (22) * Kwitny,J. Vicious Circles. 1979 (146-7) * Lacey,R. Little Man. 1991 (298) * Lasky,V. It Didn't Start With Watergate. 1978 (272, 381-2) * Lieber,J. Rats in the Grain. 2000 (7, 89) * Lobster Magazine (Britain) 1986-#12 (9) * Maheu,R. Next to Hughes. 1993 (22, 131-2, 192) * Marrs,J. Crossfire. 1990 (167) * McCord,J. A Piece of Tape. 1974 (286) * Mintz,M. Cohen,J. Power, Inc. 1977 (152) * Moldea,D. Interference. 1989 (83, 143, 166-7, 170, 173, 175, 185, 313-4, 420) * Moldea,D. The Hoffa Wars. 1978 (72-3, 84, 86, 129, 318) * Mollenhoff,C. The Pentagon. 1967 (180) * Nader,R. Taylor,W. The Big Boys. 1986 (363) * New Federalist 1993-11-01 (6) * New Federalist 1994-02-21 (5) * Oglesby,C. The Yankee and Cowboy War. 1976 (278) * Playboy 1994-02 (144) * Public Eye Magazine 1979 (5) * Quinde,H. Affidavit. 1992-01-20 (7) * Ragano,F. Raab,S. Mob Lawyer. 1994 (61, 88, 265-6) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1991-SMOM (1) * Sanders,J. Peddlers of Crisis. 1983 (288) * Scheim,D. Contract on America. 1988 (193, 220, 225, 282) * Schorr,D. Clearing the Air. 1978 (20, 222, 309) * Scott,P.D. Crime and Coverup. 1977 (22) * Scott,P.D. Deep Politics. 1993 (179, 223) * Stewart,J. Den of Thieves. 1991 (11, 311-3, 383-4) * Summers,A. Official and Confidential. 1993 (239) * Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (376) * Thomas,E. The Man to See. 1991 * Thomas,G. Journey Into Madness. 1990 (255) * Thomas,K. Popular Alienation: A Steamshovel Press Reader. 1995 (83) * Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (164-5) * Truell,P. Gurwin,L. False Profits. 1992 (126-7) * Turner,W. Hoover's FBI. 1993 (44-5, 58-61, 311) * Turner,W. Rearview Mirror. 2001 (22, 24-5, 44-5, 73, 99) * Unger,C. House of Bush, House of Saud. 2004 (29) * Vankin,J. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes. 1991 (133-4) * Washington Times 1987-10-12 (A5) * Washington Times 1988-08-15 (A1, 10) * Washington Times 1991-09-30 (A5) * Weinberg,S. Armand Hammer: The Untold Story. 1989 (418) * Winter-Berger,R. The Washington Pay-Off. 1972 (68) * Woodward,B. Veil. 1987 (44, 54-5, 461) pages cited this search: 172 |
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