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Carlucci, Frank Charles He was a naval officer from 1952 to 1954, joined the Foreign Service, and worked for the State Department from 1956 to 1969. In 1961 he participated in a CIA mission to the Congo, where he was involved in the operation to overthrow (and assassinate) Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba (followed up by 1001 Club member Mobutu). The assassination took place less than seven months after the Congo had declared its independence, with Lumumba as its first prime minister. In 1964 he is said to have been involved in the overthrow of the Brazilian Goulart government ("soft on communism"). Carlucci became Ambassador to Portugal, and served in this position from 1974 until 1977. Here he was accused of being involved in the (failed) 1975 coup of the right-wing General Spinola. Carlucci was an intermediary between Le Cercle member Henry Kissinger and Le Cercle member Spinola. During the early 1970s he became a protégé of Donald Rumsfeld and Caspar Weinberger (both probably are / were members of Le Cercle). He was undersecretary of Health, Education and Welfare when Weinberger was secretary during the Nixon administration. Involved with the Institute for the Study of Conflict, which was established in 1975. Deputy Director of the CIA from 1978-1981, under CIA Director Stansfield Turner, who succeeded George Herbert Walker Bush. Carlucci was deputy defense secretary from 1981 until 1986, national security advisor from 1986 until 1987, and defense secretary in 1987, following the resignation of Weinberger, his nomination by President Ronald Reagan and his confirmation in the Senate by a vote of 91 to 1. He was reportedly less hard-line in policies toward the Soviet Union than Weinberger. Carlucci is Chairman emeritus of the Carlyle Group (board members included James Baker III, John Major, and George H.W. Bush) and Nortel Networks. He also has business interests in the following companies: General Dynamics, Westinghouse, Ashland Oil, Neurogen, CB Commercial Real Estate, Nortel, BDM International, Quaker Oats, and Kaman. Carlucci is a former director of Wackenhut and a director at (the very corrupt) defense contractor United Defense (majority owned by Carlyle). Worked with Harold Okimoto, a high ranking member of the Yakuza, for many years. Affiliated with the Project for the New American Century, a think tank that's sets American policy to take over the world. Trustee of the RAND Corporation. Advisory board member of G2 Satellite Solutions. Member of the Atlantic Council of the United States. |

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Frank Carlucci Frank Carlucci AKA Frank Charles Carlucci III Born: 18-Oct-1930 Birthplace: Scranton, PA Gender: Male Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Government Party Affiliation: Republican Nationality: United States Executive summary: US Secretary of Defense, 1987-89 Military service: US Navy (1952-54) Father: Frank Carlucci Mother: Roxanne Wife: Jean Anthony (m. 1954, div. 1974, one son, two daughters) Son: Frank Daughter: Karen Daughter: Kristin Wife: Marcia McMillan Myers (m. 1976) University: BA, Princeton University (1952) University: Harvard University US Secretary of Defense (1987-89) White House National Security Advisor (1986-87) CIA Deputy Director (10-Feb-1978 to 5-Feb-1981) US Ambassador to Portugal (1975-78) Member of the Board of Ashland (1989-2003) Member of the Board of BDM International Inc. (1990-97) Member of the Board of Bell Atlantic (1989-97) Member of the Board of Carlyle Group (1989-, as Chairman, 1993-2003) Member of the Board of General Dynamics (1991-97) Member of the Board of IRI International (1994-2000) Member of the Board of Kaman Corporation (1989-) Member of the Board of Neurogen (1989-) Member of the Board of Nortel (1989-2000) Member of the Board of Pharmacia (2000-03) Member of the Board of Pharmacia & Upjohn (1995-2000) Member of the Board of Quaker Oats (1983-87 and 1989-2001) Member of the Board of Texas Biotechnology Corporation (1990-) Member of the Board of United Defense Industries (1997-) Member of the Board of Upjohn (1990-95) Member of the Board of Wackenhut Member of the Board of Westinghouse (1989-97) American Academy of Diplomacy Chairman Emeritus Association for Intelligence Officers Honorary Board of Directors Atlantic Council Honorary Director Council for a Community of Democracies Senior Advisor Drug Policy Alliance Honorary Board Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis Board of Directors John O. Marsh Institute Honorary Member, Advisory Committee Knights of Malta Middle East Policy Council National Coalition on Health Care Board of Directors Public International Law and Policy Group Balkan Action Council Special Operations Warrior Foundation Board of Advisors Straight Talk America The Washington Center National Honorary Advisory Board |
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New York City’s Council on Foreign Relations Shriner Freemason Peter G. Peterson, Chairman Shriner Freemason David Rockefeller, Presider Shriner Freemason Henry A. Kissinger, Presider Shriner Freemason George H. W. Bush, Presider Knight of Malta Alexander M. Haig, Presider Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr., Presider Knight of Malta Frank C. Carlucci, Presider Jesuit Joseph A. O’Hare, Presider Freemason Jesse L. Jackson |
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“The high-flying Carlyle Group has made fortunes doing deals with the Saudis. Among Carlyle’s top advisers have been former [SMOM] President George H. W. Bush; James Baker, his secretary of state; and [SMOM] Frank Carlucci, a former secretary of defense. If that wasn’t enough, there was the staggering amount of Saudi investment in America—as much as $600 billion in U.S. banks and stock markets.” |
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Carlucci, Frank C. CFR, SMOM, BWC • chairmen emeritus, Carlyle Group • Secretary of Defense (1987-89) • National Security Advisor (1986-87) • Deputy Director, CIA (1978-81) |
SMOM by mention:
Social Network Diagram:

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CARLUCCI FRANK CHARLES South Africa 1957-1960 Zaire 1960-1962 Tanzania 1964-1965 Brazil 1965-1969 Portugal 1975-1978 Yemen 1979 Philippines 1981 * Adams,J. Secret Armies. 1988 (357) * Agee,P. On the Run. 1987 (108, 311-2) * Agee,P. Wolf,L. Dirty Work. 1978 (67, 308) * Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Periscope 1990-#2 (1-4) * Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1995-F (17) * Baer,R. Sleeping with the Devil. 2004 (48, 50-2, 204) * Bainerman,J. The Crimes of a President. 1992 (13, 113, 220) * Bamford,J. Body of Secrets. 2001 (392-3) * Brownstein,R. Easton,N. Reagan's Ruling Class. 1983 (439-45) * Chasey,W. Pan Am 103: The Lockerbie Cover Up. 1995 (148) * Chatterjee,P. Iraq, Inc. 2004 (127) * Chernyavsky,V. The CIA in the Dock. 1983 (137-8, 145-6) * Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1987-01-31 (29) * Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1988-03-25 (59) * Corn,D. Blond Ghost. 1994 (342-3) * Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 1988 (13, 23, 43, 144, 146) * Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 2004 * CounterSpy 1976-SP (43) * CounterSpy 1982-11 (25) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1979-#5 (2-3) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1979-#6 (2) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1980-#8 (17) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1980-#10 (39, 41) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1980-#11 (19, 24-5) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1987-#27 (61-3) * Covert Action Information Bulletin 1991-#36 (47-8) * Covert Action Quarterly 2002-#74 (2) * Cummings,R. The Pied Piper. 1985 (92, 141-2, 164, 168-71, 203, 216-7) * Emerson,S. Secret Warriors. 1988 (146) * Evanzz,K. The Judas Factor. 1992 (99-100, 106, 112-3, 312-3) * Executive Intelligence Review 2000-02-25 (54) * Findley,P. They Dare to Speak Out. 1989 (353) * Fitzgerald,A.E. The Pentagonists. 1989 (135-6, 233, 272, 291-2) * Fitzgerald,F. Way Out There in the Blue. 2000 (149-50, 157, 387-8, 427, 436) * Frazier,H. Uncloaking the CIA. 1978 (25, 130-1, 142) * Freed,D. Death in Washington. 1980 (184) * Galiullin,R. The CIA in Asia. 1988 (108) * Gill,S. American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. 1991 (109, 172, 187) * Green,F. American Propaganda Abroad. 1988 (146-7) * Gritz,J. Called to Serve. 1991 (301, 392) * Hartung,W. And Weapons for All. 1994 (182) * Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. The Terrorism Industry. 1989 (130) * Hertsgaard,M. On Bended Knee. 1988 (127, 277) * Intelligence (Paris) 2002-04-29 (6) * Jensen-Stevenson,M. Stevenson,W. Kiss the Boys Goodbye. 1990 (288-9, 344) * Kelly,S. America's Tyrant. 1993 (41, 88) * Kilian,M. Sawislak,A. Who Runs Washington? 1982 (68-70, 89) * Knelman,F.H. America, God and the Bomb. 1987 (247) * Kwitny,J. Endless Enemies. 1984 (62-3) * Lewis,C. The Buying of the President 2004. 2004 (210) * Liberation Magazine 1975-SU (51) * Livingstone,N. The Cult of Counterterrorism. 1990 (37) * Maas,P. Manhunt. 1986 (247, 288) * Mackenzie,A. Secrets: The CIA's War at Home. 1997 (79-80, 164-5) * Marshall,J... The Iran-Contra Connection. 1987 (41, 48, 93, 246) * Martin,L. Pledge of Allegiance. 1993 (107) * NACLA. Report on the Americas 1986-05 (28) * Nation 2002-04-01 (11-4) * National Security Archive. The Chronology. 1987 (xii, 13, 614) * Naylor,R.T. Hot Money and the Politics of Debt. 1994 (414) * New Republic 1993-10-18 (21-2, 24-5, 28-9) * New York Magazine 1980-03-03 (42) * Palast,G. The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. 2003 (104) * Pell,E. The Big Chill. 1984 (33, 77) * Perloff,J. The Shadows of Power. 1988 (169) * Perry,M. Eclipse. 1992 (149) * Peters,C. Branch,T. Blowing the Whistle. 1972 (89-90, 100) * Powell,S. Covert Cadre. 1987 (120) * Powers,T. The Man Who Kept the Secrets. 1981 (398) * Prados,J. Keepers of the Keys. 1991 (539-41) * Prados,J. Presidents' Secret Wars. 1988 (356) * Public Eye Magazine 1981 (36-40) * Quirk,J. Central Intelligence Agency: A Photographic History. 1986 (241) * Rampton,S. Stauber,J. Weapons of Mass Deception. 2003 (106) * Rand Corporation. Annual Report. 1994 (7) * Rasor,D. The Pentagon Underground. 1985 (167, 234, 252, 257-9) * Raviv,D. Melman,Y. Friends in Deed. 1994 (244) * Ray,E... Dirty Work 2. 1979 (208-19) * Resource Center. GroupWatch 1990-USIP (1, 4) * Schnabel,J. Remote Viewers. 1997 (368-9) * Sklar,H. Washington's War on Nicaragua. 1988 (256, 360) * Snyder,A. Warriors of Disinformation. 1995 (122) * Spotlight Newspaper 1987-04-06 (3) * State Dept. Biographic Register. 1977 * Tarpley,W.G. Chaitkin,A. George Bush. 1992 (506-7) * Top Secret (Germany) 1988-#0 (3-4) * Trento,J. Prelude to Terror. 2005 (124, 213, 264, 282-3) * Trilateral Commission. List of Members. 1992-04-06 (10) * Turner,S. Secrecy and Democracy. 1985 (185, 190, 204) * Unger,C. House of Bush, House of Saud. 2004 (156, 161-2, 169, 224) * Vankin,J. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes. 1991 (188) * Vistica,G. Fall From Glory. 1997 (69, 102, 113, 163-4, 166, 286) * Washington Post 1982-12-29 (F2) * Washington Post 1984-05-18 (A2) * Washington Post 1985-10-14 (3, 5) * Washington Post 1986-12-03 (A29, 35) * Washington Post 1986-12-04 (A1, 44) * Washington Post 1987-02-23 (B12) * Washington Post 1989-01-26 (E2) * Washington Times 1992-10-09 (C1) * Washington Times 1997-03-26 (A13) * Who's Who in America. 1984-1985 * Wolf,M. Man Without a Face. 1997 (256) * Woodward,B. Veil. 1987 (18, 74, 78, 139) pages cited this search: 249 |
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